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What are the reasons for hair loss?

What are the reasons for hair loss?
Hair fall

It is natural for a certain amount of hair to be shed on a daily basis. When hair falls out in greater quantities than normal, it can be distressing and upsetting for the individual.
While male and female pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss, there are a variety of other factors to consider. A doctor will want to look into these before making a recommendation on the best course of action.

In this post, we’ll look at the most common reasons for hair loss, as well as the treatment options available and home care recommendations for preventing future hair loss from occurring.

Causes of Hair fall


Some women lose a lot of hair right after giving birth. Low estrogen levels cause this. This form of hair loss normally resolves within a year or less.

Try these hair-saving tips:

  • Using a volumizing shampoo
  • utilizing fine hair products
  • avoiding extremely intense conditioners or conditioning shampoos for fine hair
  • avoiding weighing hair down by adding conditioner to ends rather than the scalp


Ringworm is a fungal condition that can lead to hair loss in some individuals. Tinea capitis, often known as ringworm of the scalp, can create temporary bald patches on the scalp.

Among the signs and symptoms are:

  • a tiny area on the skin that becomes larger and causes scaly, hairless patches of skin
  • fragile hair that is prone to breaking
  • Patches of skin that are painful and red in the afflicted areas
  • sores on the scalp that are gushing pus
  • circular spots with a red border around them and a skin-toned inside that matches the surrounding area

If ringworm does not cure on its own, a doctor may prescribe an antifungal medication to help the condition. Alternatively, they may prescribe an antibiotic, such as Griseofulvin, to treat the infection.

Alopecia areata is a kind of hair loss.

Acne is an autoimmune disorder that causes hair to break out in clumps and unexpectedly. The immune system targets hair follicles, as well as other healthy organs and tissues in the body. Small clumps of hair from the scalp, as well as brows and eyelashes, may come out at the same time. If someone has this ailment, they should get medical attention. A doctor may recommend medicine to aid in the regrowth of hair loss.

Birth control pills

Taking birth control medications may cause hair loss. Others may have hair loss weeks or months after stopping the drugs.
Those using birth control tablets can select one with a low androgen index. This may help prevent hair loss.
Hormonal birth control methods like implants and skin patches can also cause hair loss.
The American Hair Loss Association advises anyone with a hereditary hair loss risk to use non-hormonal birth control.

Emotional Stress

When you’re coping with a life-altering event, such as a divorce or break-up, bankruptcy or other financial troubles, the loss of a house, or the death of a loved one, you may experience substantial emotional stress, which can interfere with your natural hair growth cycle. Stressors that are significant in nature can cause temporary hair loss, but after the stress has been managed, normal hair growth is typically restored.

Diet Deficiencies

Nutritional supplements, such as protein, that supplement a nutritious, diverse, and well-balanced diet are crucial for maintaining excellent health throughout the body, ensuring that all of your organs and internal systems are functioning properly. Hair loss can come from nutritional deficiencies caused by poor nutrition or following a highly restricting crash diet or fad diet. Nutrient deficiencies can manifest themselves as thinning hair, patches of baldness, or even complete baldness.

Thyroid Problems

Because each ailment involves a hormonal imbalance, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss. Hormones control practically every bodily function, including hair growth. Getting the appropriate thyroid therapy will manage hormones, reduce hair loss, and allow hair to regrow.

Medications Hair Loss

Many common drugs cause hair loss as a negative effect. Blood-thinning pharmaceuticals, oral contraceptives, depression meds, NSAIDs, and beta and calcium channel blockers can all cause balding. Too much vitamin A, or retinoids (vitamin A derivatives), can cause hair loss. Some cancer chemotherapy medicines are known to induce complete hair loss while working to kill cancer cells. Hair should regrow after stopping any medicine that causes hair loss, just like it does after chemo.

Physical Trauma

The normal cycle of hair growth and resting can be disturbed by physical stress, resulting in hair loss, generally in the form of thinned hair strands. A serious accident, surgery, burns, or illness can shock the hair follicles, causing up to 75% of your hair to fall out months later.


Infections and diseases can cause hair loss. High fevers, fungal skin diseases, and bacterial infections like syphilis can all cause balding or thinning hair. Environmentally, treating the underlying illness can help re-grow hair So, seek medical assistance for the fundamental health issue.

Extreme Hair Care

To get a fashionable haircut, you might cause substantial damage and break to strands, leading to hair loss and thinning. Too much shampooing, blow-drying, tugging on hair (from blow-drying or putting it in a too-tight ponytail, for example), or massaging the scalp can all cause hair loss.


People may wish to attempt the following methods to prevent hair loss:

  • Stress reduction can be accomplished by adjustments in one’s way of life.
  • taking part in a nutritious diet that contains proteins, lipids, as well as specific vitamins and minerals

The following measures may also be beneficial in preventing additional hair loss:

  • lightweight shampoo and conditioner are recommended to avoid weighing down your hair.
  • avoiding haircuts that are too tight
  • The use of thermal methods that might harm hair should be minimized.


  • It is typical for a certain quantity of hair to come out every day, depending on the individual. Every day, the average person loses up to 100 hairs.
  • An individual who discovers that they are losing more hair than normal may be suffering from an underlying medical problem. In that case, they should consult with a doctor to determine the most appropriate course of action.
  • In many circumstances, once a doctor has successfully treated the underlying disease, a person’s hair will return to its usual form.





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