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What are the causes of female baldness and how to prevent it?

What are the causes of female baldness and how to prevent it?
Beauty hair

Female pattern baldness can cause bald patches or thinning hair. Normal hair loss is 50-100 hairs each day, although new hair growth usually replaces them.

Female pattern baldness, on the other hand, does not regrow hair. This article discusses the causes, risk factors, treatment, and prevention of female pattern baldness.

What is baldness in women?

The most common kind of hair loss in women is female pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia is the medical term for the disorder. Hair loss affects both men and women, although in women it is less common and manifests differently. Male pattern baldness manifests itself as thinning hair and bald areas. Female pattern baldness is associated with overall hair loss and thinning hair in women. In women, a widening part or the impression that hair is thinner than normal may be the earliest indicators of female pattern baldness. Even though the scalp is visible, the hairline is typically not receding as time passes. Women are less likely than males to have hair loss, although it does happen often. The rate of female pattern baldness rises with age, and only around half of women maintain a full beard throughout their lives.

The most common kind of hair loss in women is female pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia is the medical term for the disorder.
baldness in women

 Causes of hair loss

Female pattern baldness is widely believed to be a hereditary condition. It may, however, arise as a result of an underlying disorder that impairs the synthesis of the hormone androgen.

Androgen is a hormone that is involved in the development of pattern baldness. Hair loss may also be caused by tumors of the pituitary gland or ovary, which release androgen.

Other factors that contribute to female hair loss include the following:

Autoimmune disease: Alopecia areata is a relatively uncommon autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

Medication: Hair loss can occur as a side effect of certain drugs, such as those used to treat cancer. Hair, on the other hand, often regrows once a person stops taking the medicine.

Illness: Hair loss can occur with a severe sickness, such as an infection, a high temperature, or surgery.

Alopecia: This type of hair loss happens when a person repeatedly wears hairstyles that are excessively tight on the hair.

Ways to cope with hair loss

It’s also crucial to consider the psychological impact of hair loss while treating patients. If you’ve lost your hair, even for a short period of time, accepting what has occurred and learning to live with your new appearance will make life much simpler.

Here are some practical self-help suggestions:

Accept it as a fact.

It will be difficult, but try to accept the fact that you are losing your hair. One approach to do this is to develop a list of all of your positive characteristics and devote your time and efforts to highlighting these characteristics.

Discuss it

Discuss your hair loss with your friends, family, and other loved ones as soon as possible, preferably as soon as it begins. Inform them of your thoughts on the matter and the type of assistance you require. In the event that hair loss is negatively impacting your relationship with your spouse, seeking therapy or couples counseling may be beneficial.

Cover up

You can try to disguise and cover up your hair loss with items such as wigs, hair extensions, scarves, and make-up to help you feel more confident. Persist in your search until you locate a product and a style that you like. Alternatively, you may want to wear no clothing at all.

Please be patient.

Women’s hair loss is frequently just temporary. Having said that, regrowth is unpredictable and can take months or even years. Keep in mind that the texture and color of your new hair are completely up to you.

Massage of the scalp

Using your fingertips to massage your scalp may assist to promote circulation in the region and remove dandruff. This aids in the maintenance of a healthy scalp and hair follicles.

Use hair loss shampoos

It is possible to have some little hair loss as a result of blocked pores on the scalp. Hair that is healthy may be promoted by the use of medicated shampoos that are meant to remove dead skin cells from the pores. This may assist in the clearing of small indications of hair loss.

Treatments for hair loss

It might be beneficial in dealing with the physical elements of hair loss. Attempt to learn everything you can about hair loss and the treatment choices that are accessible to you as soon as possible.

A hair lotion containing minoxidil has been shown to be effective in the treatment of female-pattern baldness. Many women report positive results, including a slowing or complete cessation of balding, as well as thicker hair, after using it for several months.

Always get guidance from your primary care physician or dermatologist before beginning or discontinuing any alopecia treatments or medications.


Minoxidil is a topical medicine used to treat male and female hair loss. The daily scalp application may promote hair growth and prevent future hair loss.

Minoxidil takes 6-12 months to show benefits and does not work for everyone. Dryness, redness, and itching might occur. Hair loss may reappear if the product is stopped.

Rogaine is a popular Minoxidil brand accessible at many pharmacies and online.

Oral medicines

spironolactone is a diuretic often used to treat female pattern baldness. Diuretics eliminate extra bodily water.

The drug may also inhibit androgen production, preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. Side symptoms include dry mouth, nausea, and disorientation.

Pregnant women should avoid spironolactone owing to the risk of congenital defects.

Hair transplant

Some ladies opt for a hair transplant. Hair transplantation can be done in several ways. Usually, hair loss is localized. During a hair transplant, a doctor pulls hair from a healthy region and transplants it to a balding area.
The location from where the hair is transplanted normally has little hair loss. The doctor conducts the procedure while the patient is awake. A local anesthetic will be administered to reduce discomfort.

Hormone replacement treatment

Doctors may prescribe hormone treatment to treat hormonal abnormalities that cause hair loss, such as menopause. Some therapies include birth control tablets and estrogen or progesterone replacement therapy. Other options include antiandrogens like spironolactoneTrusted Source. Androgens are hormones that can speed up hair loss in certain women, especially those with PCOS who make more. Antiandrogens inhibit androgen production, preventing hair loss. Talk to your doctor about possible side effects and if antiandrogens are right for you.


Even though female pattern baldness is thought to be a hereditary condition, it is not always avoidable. However, there are actions a woman may do to keep her hair as healthy as possible in order to avoid breaking and damage from occurring.

Take a look at the following hair-care suggestions:

  • Prevent hair damage by avoiding procedures that might cause it, such as perming, straightening, and using hair extensions.
  • Protein, vital vitamins, and iron should all be included in your diet.
  • Wearing a hat might help to protect your hair from sun damage.
  • When the hair is moist and fragile, it is best not to brush it. Instead, a comb or your fingers can be used.


A person’s self-confidence and self-image can be negatively affected by female pattern baldness, which can be stressful. Women who are experiencing extreme hair loss should consult their doctor or dermatologist, who can assist them in determining the reason and the most effective treatment approach.

Someone who receives an early diagnosis can better arrange a treatment regimen that will prevent additional hair loss. Treatments are available that may be able to assist in the restoration of hair growth. The success of the treatment may vary based on the treatment chosen and the degree of hair loss experienced.





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