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A guide to preventing male pattern baldness

A guide to preventing male pattern baldness

Hair loss:  affects one-third of the world’s population. Every day, we all lose 100 hairs.
Many reasons can cause male baldness. Baldness can be caused by hormonal changes or medical disorders. It affects mostly men, although it can affect women as well. Hair loss occurs in a variety of ways. Some people lose hair gradually, while others suddenly lose hair and bald spots all over their heads.
That a few follicles fall out is normal and not cause for concern. Diet, mineral deficiency, drugs, stress, pollution, and heredity can all cause hair loss. Men may also wear a cap, hat, or helmet. Here are 20 ways to decrease or cope with hair loss.

That a few follicles fall out is normal and not cause for concern. Diet, mineral deficiency, drugs, stress, pollution, and heredity can all cause hair loss. Men may also wear a cap, hat, or helmet. Here are 20 ways to decrease or cope with hair loss.
Mind blowing hair

What causes baldness 

Male pattern baldness is caused by genetics or a family history of baldness. Male pattern baldness is linked to androgens, which are sex hormones. Androgens regulate hair growth among other things.
Each of your hairs has a cycle. In male-pattern baldness, the hair follicle shrinks, generating shorter, finer strands of hair. Each hair’s development cycle finishes, and no new hair develops in its place.
Male pattern baldness has no known adverse effects. However, significant reasons for baldness include cancer, medicines, thyroid issues, and anabolic steroids. Whenever you start taking new drugs or have other health issues, see your doctor.
Male pattern baldness is diagnosed based on hair loss patterns. They may do a medical history and check to rule out causes such as scalp fungus or nutritional deficiencies.
A rash, redness, soreness, peeling of the scalp, hair breaking, patchy hair loss, or an unusual pattern of hair loss might be caused by health issues. A skin biopsy and blood testing may be required to detect hair loss diseases.


Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.

Regular hair washing helps prevent hair loss by keeping the hair and scalp clean. By doing so, you reduce the chance of infections and dandruff, which can cause hair loss. Clean hair also appears to have greater volume.

Don’t brush damp hair

Wet hair is at its most fragile. Brushing damp hair raises the risk of hair loss. The only time to comb damp hair is when necessary. Brushing too often can damage hair and promote hair loss. Untangle with your hands, not a comb or brush.

Green tea for hair

Rub green tea into your hair to stop hair loss. Simply boil two green tea bags in one cup of water, chill, and apply to your hair. After an hour, rinse thoroughly. For best effects, do this for a week to ten days.


Stress has been linked to hair loss in previous research. De-stress yourself by meditating. Meditation and yoga, for example, alleviate stress and restore hormonal equilibrium.

Keep your head dry

Sweating causes dandruff and hair loss in men with oily hair. Using aloe vera and neem shampoos keeps the scalp cool and prevents dandruff.
In the heat, males who wear helmets lose a lot of hair. Sweat collects in pores, weakening hair roots, causing male hair loss. Wearing a terry cloth headband or a scarf over your hair helps reduce hair loss.


Biotin, often known as vitamin H, is a B complex vitamin that aids in energy production. Adding biotin-rich foods to your diet or taking a biotin supplement may help decrease hair loss. Biotin-rich foods including almonds, sweet potatoes, eggs, onions, and oats can help prevent hair loss.

Increase the amount of protein 

Eating lean meats, fish, soy, and other protein-rich foods helps to improve hair health, which in turn helps to reduce hair loss.

Essential oils to massage the scalp.

When experiencing hair loss for an extended period of time, it is necessary to massage the scalp with essential oils for a couple of minutes each day. It aids in the maintenance of functioning hair follicles. You may use lavender essential oil in place of almond or sesame oil.

Garlic juice, onion juice, or ginger juice

Apply one of the juices to your scalp and let it on overnight before rinsing it off the next morning. Do it on a regular basis for a week, and you will notice a significant improvement.

Keep oneself hydrated at all times.

Since one-quarter of the hair shaft is made up of water, it is recommended that you drink four to eight cups of water every day to keep hydrated and promote the growth of healthy hair.

Reduce unhealthy things for your hair.

If you want to maintain your hair healthy, you must understand how to properly care for it. It’s best not to rub your hair dry with a towel. Instead, let your hair dry naturally.

Reduce the use of alcoholic beverages.

If you are having hair loss, you should minimize your alcohol use since alcohol consumption inhibits hair development. So, if you want to see an increase in hair growth, cut down or eliminate your alcohol use.

Don’t smoke

As a result of smoking, the amount of blood that goes to the scalp is reduced, which results in a loss in hair development.

Physical exercise

Make sure you get some physical activity in on a daily basis. Walking, swimming, or biking for 30 minutes a day helps to regulate hormone levels while also lowering stress levels, which in turn helps to reduce hair fall.

Heating and drying are avoid

It is not recommended that your hair be subjected to frequent and continual heating and drying treatments. Because heat damages the proteins in the hair, repeated heating and drying can result in hair weakening and fragility, which can lead to hair loss.

Change hairstyle 

If you have been experiencing hair loss recently, you should relax your hair. Ponytails, braids, and artificial hairstyles are all examples of hairstyles that strain hair or twist hair follicles, which might eventually result in baldness.

Maintain your health

Hair loss can be signaled by a variety of health issues. Make certain that you correctly deal with chronic diseases, high fevers, and infections in order to maintain good hair.


It is possible that certain drugs can cause adverse effects, one of which may be hair loss. Consult with your doctor to find out if you have any medical issues. Please inform him of any hair loss that has occurred as a result of the drug and request that he modify the medicine.

Keep away from chemicals

Chemicals that are harsh on the hair, as well as permanent hair color products, may be detrimental to its health. When you are experiencing hair loss, it is recommended that you refrain from coloring your hair.

Make appointments with doctors 

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of health issues, particularly skin-related disorders, that cause hormonal imbalances to shift, ultimately resulting in hair loss. Make an appointment with your doctor on a regular basis to have your underlying diseases and problems evaluated.

Keep your head fresh

Sweating causes dandruff and hair loss in men with oily hair. Using aloe vera and neem shampoos keeps the scalp cool and prevents dandruff.
In the heat, males who wear helmets lose a lot of hair. Sweat collects in pores, weakening hair roots, causing male hair loss. Wearing a terry cloth headband or a scarf over your hair helps reduce hair loss.


Biotin, often known as vitamin H, is a B complex vitamin that aids in energy production. Adding biotin-rich foods to your diet or taking a biotin supplement may help decrease hair loss. Biotin-rich foods including almonds, sweet potatoes, eggs, onions, and oats can help prevent hair loss.

hair loss can be prevented

There is currently no proven method of preventing male pattern baldness. According to one idea, stress may induce hair loss by boosting the amounts of sex hormones in the body, which causes the hair to fall out. Participating in stress-relieving activities such as walking, listening to calming music, and spending more time alone are all effective ways to relieve stress.






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