Home Exercise TMJ Exercises to Help You Feel Better

TMJ Exercises to Help You Feel Better

TMJ Exercises to Help You Feel Better

Disorders of the temporomandibular joint and muscles (TMJ) are a collection of ailments that affect the jaw joint and the muscles that regulate jaw movement and produce dysfunction and discomfort. It’s possible that in certain circumstances surgery may be necessary, but most TMJ diseases may be alleviated by non-invasive therapy, such as completing TMJ exercises.

Some of these jaw exercises for TMJ have recommended frequency. For those who don’t know where to begin, see your dentist.


Chin tucks

As the name implies, these are exactly as described. Tuck your chin into your neck, keeping your shoulders back and your chest up as you do so. You will effectively be creating a “double chin” in this situation. After you have held this tucked posture for three seconds, release and return to the beginning position. 10 times is a good rule of thumb.


Relaxed Jaw

It’s essential to relax your jaw muscles from time to time because they might get strained at times. Your tongue should be positioned on the roof of your mouth, behind your upper front teeth. During this time, relax your jaw muscles and allow your teeth to fall apart (your mouth to open). Instead of forcing yourself to relax, let yourself drift off naturally. Your objective is to ease up your stiff jaw muscles.



This relaxation practice is mainly about letting go of overall stress. Stress might lead you to clench or grind your teeth, causing muscular strain and pain.

Sit or lie down and slowly inhale, letting your stomach rise rather than your chest. Exhale gently, matching the length of your inhale. Rep. 5-10.


Full opening exercise

The tongue should be put on the roof of the mouth to prevent it from falling out. One finger should be placed over the TMJ and another finger should be placed over the chin. In order to shut properly, the lower jaw must be totally lowered. Place one finger on each TMJ while you totally drop your lower jaw and back. This is a version of the exercise described above:

Side-to-side jaw movement exercise

A quarter-inch-sized item should be inserted between the front teeth, and the jaw should be manipulated from side to side to get the desired result. Increasing the size of the item should be done in small steps.

Forward jaw movement exercise

A quarter-inch-sized item should be put between the front teeth, and the lower jaw should be pushed forward to accommodate the object. Increasing the size of the item should be done in small steps.


Partial opening exercise

One finger should be put in front of the ear, above the temporomandibular joint, with the tongue on the top half of the mouth (TMJ). Place your index finger on your chin. Finally, the mouth should be lowered and closed as the finger exerts gentle pressure/resistance.


Tongue up exercise

Because this exercise is so simple and inconspicuous, you may perform it in public without drawing attention to yourself. It’s as simple as moving your jaw slowly from side to side while pushing the roof of your mouth with your tongue. In the event that you develop discomfort or observe substantial popping while performing this or any other exercise, stop immediately and make an appointment with a dental specialist who has extensive experience treating temporomandibular joint issues.


Goldfish exercises

TMJ can induce tinnitus and discomfort near the temples. Goldfish exercises can occasionally aid TMJ Ear Pain sufferers. Begin by pressing the tongue on the palate. Then place one middle finger behind your ear. Put your other middle or index finger on your chin. Close your mouth, using your fingers to offer minimal resistance. Do this exercise no more than six times per set, six times per day.

These exercises can help strengthen your jaw joint and minimize TMJ symptoms, but they might be painful at first. With time, though, you should feel less and less pain.


Mandibular stabilization exercise

The jaw is kept in a neutral posture during the procedure. Pushing the jaw to the right with the thumb and holding for three seconds is the goal. On the left, the same pattern is repeated.


Other options

Painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen may be prescribed by your dentist.

If the issue is bruxism, a specialized mouthguard or mouthpiece can assist. Applying a warm cloth or hot water bag to the joint might help relax muscles. Acupuncture and physiotherapy are also recommended by doctors.

If nothing else works, doctors recommend corticosteroid or Botox injections, as well as surgical pain relief.

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