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7 Symptoms of Women’s Heart Attacks

7 Symptoms of Women’s Heart Attacks
Heart attack

A heart attack is a potentially fatal disturbance of the heart’s blood flow. These signs may help someone seek medical assistance sooner, perhaps saving their life.

Women have a lower first-time survival rate than males. This may be because the symptoms vary by gender. Unusual symptoms or a “silent” heart attack affect women more. Some disorders that raise risk, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), are not present in male biology.

Heart attack symptoms in women

1. Chest discomfort. 

An uncomfortable sensation of tightness, pressure, or pain in your chest is a typical sign of a heart attack. Blockages in your main cardiac arteries are the source of your chest discomfort and pain. Women are also more likely than males to suffer blockages in the tiny arteries that branch from the heart (known as a microvascular coronary disease). Therefore, chest pain may not be the most severe or visible symptom in females who are experiencing menopause.

2. A feeling of being out of breath.

It is possible that you are unable to breathe properly or that you are unable to get enough air into your lungs. Some women may even have difficulties breathing a few weeks before suffering a heart attack. This is called pre-eclampsia.


3.  Pain in other parts of your body.

You can be experiencing discomfort or pressure in your jaw, neck, arm, lower or upper back, tummy, or chest, among other places. It is possible that you will get indigestion or reflux. Keep in mind that pain is your body’s method of informing you that something is amiss.


4. Excessive or extraordinary fatigue.

In the weeks preceding a heart attack, it is common for people to complain of unusual weariness. Fatigue is often experienced in the moments leading up to the event.

Even simple actions that do not need a great deal of effort might result in emotions of being weary.


5. Sweating.

Another typical heart attack symptom in women is excessive perspiration that does not have a legitimate reason.

It is also possible that feeling chilly and clammy is an indication of cardiac troubles.


6. Discomfort in the stomach.

Before having a heart attack, some women may experience stomach pain or pressure in the vicinity of the heart.

Other digestive disorders that might occur as a result of a probable heart attack are as follows:

  • indigestion
  • nausea
  • vomiting


7. Sleep problems.

Almost half of the women who participated in the 2003 study reported having difficulty sleeping in the weeks preceding having a heart attack.

The following are examples of disturbances:

  • Having problems falling asleep
  • waking up in the middle of the night in an odd way
  • Despite having adequate sleep, you are feeling fatigued.


Heart attack after menopause. 

After menopause, the risk of heart attack increases as a result of the decrease in estrogen levels.

Following menopause, women may have the following symptoms:

  • A heartbeat that is fast or irregular in nature; pain or discomfort in the arms, neck, jaw, or stomach.
  • chest ache that is unbearable
  • sweating in the absence of exercise


Risk factors for heart attack in women.

There are a variety of variables that have been identified as increasing your chance of developing coronary heart disease and having a heart attack in the past. These are referred to as risk factors.

The risk factors for heart disease are generally the same for both men and women. These are some examples:

  • Smoking
  • Being overweight or obese is a health risk.
  • High blood pressure is a medical condition.
  • High cholesterol is associated with diabetes.
  • Kidney disease is a serious condition.
  • Heart disease in the family is a possibility.

Women, on the other hand, are more sensitive to certain risk factors than males. Because a woman’s risk for heart disease grows as she approaches menopause, heart disease tends to manifest itself a little later in her life. Women are additionally at risk for certain complications associated with pregnancy and hormonal imbalance.


Take care of yourself.

Heart disease is a condition that may be avoided. Here are some of Goldberg’s best advice:

  • Make an appointment with your healthcare practitioner to learn about your personal risk for heart disease and how to reduce it.
  • Make the decision to stop smoking. Not many people are aware that quitting cigarettes can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease by 50% within one year of quitting.
  • Begin a regular fitness regimen. Walking for 30 minutes a day can significantly reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

If necessary, make dietary changes for your family. Take a look at these healthy cooking suggestions. You’ll learn how to make sensible alternatives, come up with healthy snack ideas, and improve your preparation techniques.

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