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Stay Safe to Avoid Sinusitis This Winter

Stay Safe to Avoid Sinusitis This Winter

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus tissue. It’s a hollow air-filled region in the skull around your eyes and nose. Membranes in these areas create mucus. These membranes have hair-like projections called cilia that push mucus towards the nose for expulsion. In sinusitis, the enlargement of the sinus membranes prevents mucus drainage, causing a blockage. This can cause a sinus infection, headaches, a stuffy nose, coughing, and congestion.


  • Sinusitis is caused by fluid getting stuck in the sinuses, allowing germs to thrive.
  • Sinusitis is usually caused by a virus, but it can also be bacterial. Allergies, asthma, and contaminants in the air, such as chemicals or other irritants, can be triggers.
  • Fungal sinusitis is caused by fungi or mold.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Nasal discharge yellow or greenish in color
  • Especially around the nose, eyes, and forehead
  • A headache with jaw or ear pain.
  • Having bad breath
  • Cough
  • Tiredness
  • Fever
  • Change in tone of voice


Sinusitis can be prevented with the following advice:

  • Hand hygiene is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
  • avoidance of secondhand smoke and tobacco use
  • The importance of up-to-date immunizations
  • keeping one’s distance from persons who are sick with respiratory illnesses
  • Using a humidifier to clean and moisturize the air
  • prevent mold and dust from accumulating in air conditioning units
  • When possible, avoid and manage allergies.


When to see a doctor about it

As an alternative, you should seek medical attention in the event that your symptoms linger more than 10 days or if they initially improve but then worsen again within the first seven days of your illness.

If you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • A fever of more than 102 degrees F that does not go away (normal sinus infection fevers are at least 100.4 degrees F)
  • Vision changes, such as double vision.
  • When over-the-counter medications do not relieve your symptoms
  • In the last year, there have been several infections.
  • Instantaneous, excruciating pain in the face or head
  • Confusion
  • A red or swollen area around the eyes


Nasal congestion is a common condition that affects many people and can be caused by several factors. Generally, it is a minor condition that may be treated at home or with over-the-counter medications.

If sinusitis produces severe symptoms or if the condition lasts for several weeks, a doctor can assist you in finding a cure.


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