Home Diet How to Increase Female Fertility

How to Increase Female Fertility

How to Increase Female Fertility
Fertility in Women

Those agonizing minutes might be the longest of a woman’s life. Inconclusive results are heartbreaking.

Not alone. 7.4 million American women are infertile.

The good news is that lifestyle adjustment, insider information, and fertility medicines (if needed) can help women improve their chances of conception. The following list includes tips for improving your overall health and fertility to help you get closer to parenthood.

Boost blood flow

The ovaries need oxygen-rich blood flow to keep the eggs healthy. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day can help enhance blood flow. Exercise promotes blood flow, and a healthy heart helps to circulate blood throughout the body. Massage and yoga can also assist increase circulation.

Maintain a Healthy Diet & Weight

Choose fresh produce, nutritious grains, and lean protein. Overindulging in refined carbs, sweets, and saturated fats can cause weight gain. Studies show that decreasing just 5% of one’s body weight can significantly increase fertility in both men and women.

A normal BMI is 18.5 to 24.9, with anything over 25 being overweight and 30 being obese. Every BMI over 29 reduced the risk of conception by 4%. A BMI of 35 reduced the risk of spontaneous pregnancy by 26%, while a BMI of 40 reduced it by 43%.


Limit Coffee & Alcohol

We all need coffee in the morning and enjoy a martini with pals. But both can be harmful if you overdo it when attempting to conceive. Caffeine is found in tea, chocolate, and soft drinks, so keep that in mind. Limit alcohol intake to 2-3 servings per week. 1 oz. hard liquor, 4.5 oz. wine, or 12 oz. beer


Quit Smoking

Smoking reduces both male and female fertility. Cigarette smoke accelerates egg loss in women, causing menopause 1-4 years earlier. Cigarettes reduce sperm quality, count, shape, and movement in males (motility). Smoking can affect a sperm’s ability to fertilize an egg.


Cycle Tracking

On a 28-day cycle, the 12-24 hour ovulation window occurs 12-14 days before your menstruation. There are several ways to determine ovulation. For example, your discharge should become egg white-like and your body temperature should rise. Also, tracking your period and ovulation symptoms can help. An anovulation prediction kit can tell you when your fertile window is by analyzing the rise in luteinizing hormone in your urine.


Pre- and post-ovulation sex

Having intercourse three to five days before ovulation can assist. Have sex a few days before and after ovulation. In turn, this increases the number of sperm in the fallopian tube when the egg is expelled.


Avoid stress

It’s hard to say whether stress affects female fertility. Stress may impact your menstrual cycle, and thus your fertility. Trying to conceive can be difficult on its own, let alone with fertility therapy. Try to reduce stress in your life and think of your fertility as a wonderful thing. The project should not overwhelm you, nor should it alter your mood or mental state.

Stress reduction may assist enhance fertility. Find out what works for you – meditation, exercise, socializing, or therapy? Also, remember to appreciate yourself and your gorgeous body in all aspects of your life — before, during, and after pregnancy.


Foods to Boost Fertility in Women

If you are suffering from PCOS, which is one of the most common issues that contribute to infertility, let us assist you. PCOS is caused by a combination of factors, the most significant of which are food choices and dietary changes.

Beans and Lentils

These high-fiber, protein-rich foods can aid boost ovulation. Replacing animal protein with plant-based protein has been found to lessen the risk of ovulatory infertility. Both legumes are high in folic acid, which is essential for proper embryo development and conception.


Sunflower Seeds

Without making major dietary adjustments, eating sunflower seeds can help maintain appropriate sperm counts. Sunflower seed kernels are high in Vitamin E, which enhances sperm count and motility. Sunflower seeds are high in zinc, folic acid, and selenium, all-powerful reproductive ingredients.



Fruits and berries are enriched in vitamin C and folic acid, which promotes healthy fetal growth. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients found in raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries help both men and women become fertile. This study found that women who ate a lot of fruit had a lower risk of infertility.



Avocados are loaded in vitamin K, potassium, and folate, which help with vitamin absorption, blood pressure regulation, and more! In addition to being high in dietary fiber and folic acid, they are rich in monounsaturated fats (good fats).



Walnuts contain omega-3s and omega-6s that support healthy brain function and hormone regulation. Men who eat walnuts regularly had superior semen motility, quantity, and shape.

Egg Yolks

Most people skip the egg yolk to save calories, although it contains vitamin B and omega-3s. It helps the body manufacture red blood cells and supports embryo growth after conception.

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