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Causes of female infertility

Causes of female infertility
Female infertility

Infertility is defined as having difficulty getting pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy. Fertility issues can affect persons of both sexes and can be caused by a variety of different factors.

Causes of Infertility

Infertility can have many reasons. Seeing an infertility specialist can help you figure out what’s causing your issues and find the best solutions for you. Unexplained infertility occurs when there is no known cause. Unexplained infertility is frustrating, but there are typical treatments available.

Infertility is not a medical condition. It’s a condition that can be improved by following a healthy diet and leading a healthy lifestyle. Some of the factors that can contribute to infertility include:


PCOS, also known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is one of the most common reasons of female infertility. Females experience a hormonal imbalance as a result of this condition, which results in enlarged ovaries with cysts and interferes with ovulation. It can also result in insulin resistance, obesity, and excessive hair growth on the face and body, among other complications. The cause is a rise in the male hormone androgens, as well as an increase in acne.



ovulation in a female body is stimulated by the hormones Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH). Excessive mental or physical stress, rapid weight gain or decrease, obesity, and other conditions are all possible outcomes. It has the potential to disrupt their output as well as their monthly ovulation.



As soon as they reach a particular age of childbearing, women are subjected to an enormous amount of cultural pressure. This stress can cause disruptions in their menstrual cycle and interfere with ovulation. Experiencing excessive emotional or physical stress after conceiving might potentially increase the risk of miscarriage and infertility in the future.



The endometrium is the lining of the uterus that sheds every month during a woman’s menstrual cycle. The fallopian tubes might become obstructed if this tissue grows excessively in the uterus. In some cases, this can prevent the egg from meeting the sperm. Endometriosis can potentially interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg in a woman’s uterus.



In some situations, the quality of female eggs begins to degrade after the age of 30 years in some cases. Follicle loss occurs in the mid-30s, resulting in fewer and poorer-quality eggs being produced. As a result, it may be difficult for some women to conceive naturally, which may result in miscarriages occurring unexpectedly.


If you want to conceive naturally, smoking is out of the question. It has the potential to cause harm to your cervix and fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancy and loss are also possible outcomes of smoking.


Fertility is affected by excessive alcohol usage. To conceive naturally, you must stop drinking immediately if you are a regular drinker. Infertility can be caused by excessive drinking.


Obesity or being underweight can have an impact on your ovulation process. You can avoid infertility difficulties in the future by maintaining a healthy weight that is appropriate for your BMI. As a result, start eating more healthfully and exercising often.

What factors may enhance my infertility risk?

Fertility difficulties can be caused by a variety of health and lifestyle conditions, some of which are listed below. They are as follows:

  • being more than 35 years old (for women)
  • being either extremely overweight or extremely underweight
  • chemotherapeutic agents or radiation
  • a great deal of exposure to environmental contaminants such as lead or pesticides
  • excessive consumption of drugs or alcohol
  • Cigarette smoking is prohibited.
  • Inability to obtain recommended tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea
  • previous experience with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • scrotum and testicles are injured in this way.
  • testicles that have become overheated (as a result of wearing clothes that is overly tight, or swimming or bathing in hot water frequently and recently)
  • having a testicle that has not descended
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