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How to get Vitamin D during the winter?

How to get Vitamin D during the winter?
Winter morning

Those of us who work beneath fluorescent lights find it difficult to get outside. But being home all day may be hazardous to your health! The bad news is that not getting enough sun exposure can lead to low vitamin D levels. Why?


Vitamin D deficiency can impair mood and performance, making it vital for athletes. Vitamin D helps to:

  • Calcium helps to improve bone health.
  • Gain muscle and strength
  • Increase the size and quantity of short-term muscle fibers.
  • Improve lower body strength
  • Develop leg strength (along with calcium)
  • Avoid falls
  • Improve immunity and defend against illnesses.


Deficiency Vitamin D in Winter: How to Avoid?

It is possible to increase your Vitamin D levels throughout the summer months by spending time outside and allowing the sun to do its work for you. However, if you are unable to do so for any reason, you will need to consider your food in order to prevent having Vitamin D insufficiency. The recommended daily intakes for Vitamin D vary from person to person and are influenced by factors such as age and the presence or absence of various health problems. Too much Vitamin D can be toxic, however, this is extremely unusual.

Vitamin D-rich foods

  • Oily seafood, such as mackerel and salmon, are recommended.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish liver
  • Although it is an acquired taste, the liver is a delicacy.
  • Beef is a type of red meat.
  • Milk, eggs, and cheese are examples of dairy goods.
  • Cereals and grains


How to get Vitamin D in winter?

Sunshine: As previously said, getting some sun may assist your body to receive adequate D. Consult your doctor about how much sun is safe. In Five Star communities, our Lifestyle 360 programming provides outdoor games, social events, walking groups, and other activities to encourage residents to get outside and enjoy nature.

Vitamin D supplements: Nutritionists advise getting necessary vitamins and minerals from nutritious foods. If that isn’t possible and you are concerned about your vitamin D levels, contact your doctor for a simple blood test. If you need vitamin D, your doctor will either prescribe it or suggest an over-the-counter supplement.

Smart eating: While vitamin D-rich foods are scarce, there are several to try. Fish, milk, tuna, and mushrooms are high in vitamin D. Soy, yogurt, cereal, orange juice, and eggs are easy to incorporate into your diet.


Effect of Vitamin D-deficiency

If your doctor tells you that your vitamin D levels are low, here are several reasons why you might consider spending more time outside.

  • Disabilities in linguistic development throughout childhood
  • Rickets
  • Prostate cancer is a kind of cancer that affects the prostate.
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes and coronary artery disease
  • The delivery of a child before their due date
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a condition that affects the digestive tract.
  • Alopecia and hair loss are two terms that are used interchangeably.
  • Infants and toddlers are at risk for tooth decay.
  • Infants and toddlers are at risk for tooth decay.
  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are two terms that are used interchangeably.
  • Female incontinence is a medical condition.
  • Colorectal cancer is a kind of cancer that affects the colon.



Sunshine is the best natural source of vitamin D.

Get 10–30 minutes of noon sun many times a week to keep blood levels healthy. Darker skin types may require more. Your exposure time should be based on your skin’s sensitivity. Just don’t burn.

It depends on when the sun hits your skin, how far away you live from the equator it is, how much skin it exposes to sunlight, and if you’re applying sunscreen.

People who live far from the equator, for example, require more sunshine since the sun’s UV rays are weaker.

During the winter, they require vitamin D supplements or eat more vitamin D-rich foods since they cannot create it from sunshine.