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The Health Benefits of Garlic During the Winter

The Health Benefits of Garlic During the Winter

Garlic is a popular spice, especially in the winter. Garlic’s active components can help avoid several respiratory, digestive, and immune diseases that occur throughout the winter season. Allicin, the main bioactive ingredient in garlic, has been shown to have antibiotic, antioxidant, cardioprotective, and antibacterial properties. Garlic is mostly activated by chopping or crushing.

Garlic also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, choline, and beta-carotene. In this post, we shall cover garlic’s winter benefits. Look.

Resistant to colds and coughs

A study found garlic to be antiviral and antimicrobial. These characteristics can help combat the winter cough and cold germs. Garlic is used as a spice and as a supplement to treat and prevent colds and coughs.

Improves immunity

The allicin in garlic may assist preserve the immune system’s balance. Winter’s frigid temperatures, experts suggest, depress the immune system, making viruses easier to infect. Allicin may help the body produce white blood cells, decrease inflammatory cytokines, improve immunity, and keep pathogens at bay.

Warms the body

Winter’s cold can cause heart, stomach, and respiratory difficulties, and even death. Ayurveda attributes tamasic and rajasic virtues to garlic, based on its pungent nature. Garlic’s odor increases heat and bile in the body, raising body temperature. Ayurveda says that garlic is a blood purifier and may help promote blood production, which helps raise the body’s temperature and offer warmth.

Winter allergy relief

A study indicated the anti-allergic properties of aged black garlic, which is made by maturing raw garlic bulbs. Researchers claim ethyl acetate in aged black garlic contains anti-allergic properties that may help avoid immune-mediated allergic reactions like asthma, which generally worsen in the winter. Both hexosaminidase and TNF cause inflammation in the body, causing allergic reactions.

Winter cholesterol control

A study found that the winter season may raise the risk of heart disease by raising serum cholesterol levels. This could be due to overeating and lack of exercise over the season. To cope with the cold, people prefer to eat more to keep warm and decrease outdoor activities. These activities raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. [6] Garlic’s potassium and magnesium content may help decrease cholesterol and keep the heart healthy.

Promotes digestion

Experts suggest that prolonged exposure to cold slows the body’s metabolism, including digestion, to conserve energy and heat. Garlic is a well-known folk remedy for regulating digestion and preventing digestive issues. It may also assist digestion via improving metabolism.

Stops toothache

Winter causes many oral and gum concerns. The cold weather reduces blood flow and increases pressure in the oral nerves, causing dental pain or toothache. With its anti-inflammatory properties, garlic’s pungency may assist boost blood circulation to dental regions. Garlic’s allicin content may help reduce the risk of periodontitis and dental caries.



To Sum Up

Garlic is a fantastic spice for managing and preventing winter illnesses. Make this fantastic cuisine component part of your curries and soups.

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