Home Skin Care Eye Care The causes of bloodshot eyes

The causes of bloodshot eyes

The causes of bloodshot eyes

Because bloodshot eyes are a fairly common sign of many different illnesses, many of which are not serious, it is not necessary to be alarmed if you find that your eyes are red when you first wake up. The following are some of the most prevalent causes of bloodshot eyes, listed in order of least to most concerning:


Allergens to hay fever and other seasonal allergies, as well as to pet dander, dust, and mold, can result in red and irritated eyes. While avoiding allergens in the first place is always preferable, if this is not possible, over-the-counter eye medications and artificial tears can be used to alleviate the symptoms of allergy symptoms. Antihistamines can be purchased over-the-counter at pharmacies or recommended by a doctor for more severe allergies.

Eye fatigue

Eye fatigue is a symptom, not an illness, and as a result, rather than attempting to cure the red eyes themselves, it is necessary to attack the underlying source of the problem. The pressure on your eyes is produced by prolonged computer use or driving, as well as straining to read without the use of glasses or contact lenses.

Unwanted Contact Lenses

Only eight hours of contact lens wear each day is recommended, and the lenses should be cleaned and maintained appropriately. A buildup of bacteria on contacts that have not been properly cleaned, or that have been worn while sleeping or napping, might result in bloodshot eyes.

Eye infections

Conjunctivitis is the most prevalent cause of bloodshot eyes. The conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the sclera) becomes inflamed. Conjunctivitis causes itchy, sticky, and irritated eyes, with pus that attaches to the eyelashes, making it easier to identify. Diagnosis and treatment of conjunctivitis are simple. In addition to eye drops and antihistamines, patients can use cool flannels to dissolve crust and relax their eyes. Contact lens patients should not wear contacts until symptoms subside.


Glaucoma is a dangerous eye ailment that damages the optic nerve and requires immediate treatment to avoid blindness. Symptoms to watch for in patients without glaucoma include bloodshot eyes, acute eye pain, blurred vision, headaches, nausea, and rainbow halos around lights. The illness is treated with eye drops, laser treatment, or surgery. Because bloodshot eyes are commonly associated with glaucoma therapy, it’s best to consult a doctor if you notice them.

When should you visit the doctor?

The majority of cases of bloodshot eyes can be treated at home or by going to the pharmacy to get eye drops. However, you should see a doctor right away if your vision suddenly changes, you have a severe headache and sensitivity to light, you experience any vomiting or nausea, you begin to see halos around lights, or you are unable to open your eye.


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