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Take care of your pre-mature baby

Take care of your pre-mature baby
Pre-mature baby

The birth of a child is typically a joyful occasion. However, if your baby is born prematurely, it can be a difficult time for you and your family. Unpremature birth is defined as the delivery of a child before the 37th week of a typical 40-week pregnancy. Premature newborns are sometimes referred to as premise since they were born prematurely.

Improved health path

Babies who are born prematurely will almost certainly require special attention during their first two years of life. Especially if they are born with a birth weight of fewer than 3 pounds, this is the case. When you bring your newborn home from the hospital, you have the opportunity to assist him or her in remaining healthy, growing, and developing. Here’s some advice to consider:

Doctor Appointment

Make an appointment to take your kid to the doctor as soon as possible after he or she has been discharged from the facility. Your doctor will examine your baby to ensure that he or she is gaining weight and will talk with you about how your baby is doing away from the clinic.

Prepare for solid food.

The majority of doctors recommend starting solid meals for a premature baby 4 to 6 months after the baby’s initial due date (not the birth date). Premature babies are not as developed at birth as full-term babies because they are born too soon. It is possible that it will take them longer to acquire their swallowing abilities. If your baby is suffering from medical issues, your doctor may prescribe that you put him on a special diet.

Babies need breast milk.

Consult your doctor regarding baby feeding. But if your infant is experiencing problems nursing, your doctor can help. Your doctor may also recommend a lactation consultant. You can feed from a bottle or from the breast. It can be pumped and kept for bottle feeding. This is useful if you have to leave your kid to care for them or work. If your infant is not breastfed, a special formula may be required. Consult your doctor about iron and vitamin supplements. Vitamins help preterm babies grow and stay healthy. Your baby may also need iron. Because preterm newborns lack iron compared to full-term babies. Your doctor may prescribe iron drops for a year or more.

Watch your baby’s growth.

A premature baby may not grow at the same rate for the first two years. They are normally smaller at this period. They can grow in spurts. Usually, they catch up with full-term babies. Use specific growth charts for premature babies to keep track of your baby’s progress. Your doctor will also want to track your baby’s progress. This includes activity, sitting up, and crawling. Doctors want to know this about all newborns, not just premature ones.


Maintain your baby’s feeding routine. Early newborns need 8-10 feedings per day. Waiting more than 4 hours between feedings can cause dehydration (not getting enough fluids). This means your baby is getting enough breast milk or formula. Spit-up is common in premature newborns. It’s normal. To ensure your kid is still gaining weight, Consult your doctor if you believe your baby has stopped gaining weight.


Ensure that your baby has ample opportunities to sleep. Early-term infants sleep for longer amounts of time than full-term infants, despite the fact that they sleep for more hours each day. All babies should be placed in their cribs on their backs rather than their stomachs. This covers newborns who are born prematurely. Make use of a firm mattress and avoid using a pillow. Sleeping on your stomach and sleeping on a soft mattress may boost your baby’s risk of developing sudden infant death syndrome, according to research (SIDS). SIDS is defined as the sudden and inexplicable death of a child under the age of one year. It is also referred to as “crib death.” It normally takes place while the infant is sleeping, but not always.

Check the vision of your child.

Infants born prematurely are more likely than full-term infants to have crossed eyes, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. This condition is referred to as strabismus in the medical community. As your baby grows and develops, this condition will most likely go away on its own as well. If your infant has this problem, your doctor may advise you to have him or her examined by an eye doctor as soon as possible.

Care for the Eyes

Retinopathy of prematurity is a condition of the eyes that affects some premature neonates (ROP). During this stage, the tiny blood vessels in the eye grow excessively large and thick. ROP is more commonly found in babies who are born at 32 weeks or earlier in pregnancy. Taking your kid to the eye doctor for regular exams will be recommended if there is a possibility that your infant has ROP, according to your doctor. ROP can be treated in order to assist avoid vision loss in some cases.

Listen to your baby.

The likelihood of hearing issues in premature babies is higher than the likelihood of hearing abnormalities in full-term babies. Inform your doctor if you find that your baby does not appear to be hearing you. It is possible to test your baby’s hearing by producing noises behind or to the side of the baby. Notify your doctor if your infant does not turn his or her head or does not react when a loud noise is made.

Vaccinate your infant.

When it comes to vaccinations, which are often referred to as vaccines or shots, premature newborns are given them at the same ages that full-term babies receive them. When your infant reaches the age of six months, he or she may require a flu shot. Premature newborns are more likely than full-term babies to become ill with the flu. Consult with your doctor about getting flu vaccines for everyone in your family. This can help to reduce the risk of your infant contracting the flu from a member of the family.

Safe travel for your infant.

When traveling with your baby in a car, make sure you utilize an infant car seat that has been approved for safety. When your kid is in the car seat, be sure that his or her head and torso are not sagging too far forward. Using rolled-up towels or receiving blankets, you can provide your infant with additional support in the car seat. The car seat should be placed in the backseat of the vehicle. You can arrange for a friend or family member to accompany you and your infant in the rear seat to keep an eye on him or her. Your kid should be placed in a rear-facing car seat, to begin with. Inquire with your doctor about the appropriate time to switch your kid to a forward-facing car seat. Never, ever leave your child alone in the car, even for a few minutes at a time.


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