Home Motherhood Superfoods that can help you produce more breast milk

Superfoods that can help you produce more breast milk

Superfoods that can help you produce more breast milk
Increase Breast Milk food

Do you fear not having enough milk for your baby? This is exactly how I felt when I had my first child. Breastfeeding may be difficult for new parents who are stressed, self-doubting, and hesitant. You’re still learning and these sentiments are very natural.

There is a lot of information on nursing and nutrition, which may be daunting. We’re here to help you feel wonderful and increase your milk production with the greatest lactation meals.

Why is My Milk Supply Low?

Milk shortages can arise for several causes. Here are a few typical ones:

Bad latching: How well does your baby latch? Poor latching is a common reason for reduced milk production. If your baby is crying, your body won’t create additional milk.

Less food: If you don’t nurse your infant enough, your milk production will suffer. Newborns must feed on demand, between eight and twelve times each day.

Various health issues: Diabetes and anemia can reduce milk supply. Previous breast surgery can also cause tissue disruption. Mammary hypoplasia, or insufficient glandular tissue, may also be the reason.

Women’s health: Some evidence shows estrogen-containing contraception may diminish lactation Instead, consider starting progestin-only birth control tablets after 6 weeks, as they do not affect milk production.

10 Best Foods to Increase Breast Milk

How to Get More Breast Milk?

Here are some tips to enhance your breast milk supply:

  • It’s vital that your infant eats correctly. It’s difficult to feed if he can’t latch on to the nipple or is in an improper position. Improper eating might be caused by anatomical issues. To promote enough breast milk production, it is critical to withdraw milk from the breast when feeding. If your infant is unable to do so, express the milk.
  • Nursing often ensures proper milk removal. You should nurse your infant for 1.5-2 hours, or as long as he desires.
  • While breastfeeding, both sides. After he finishes one breast, offer the other.
  • Avoid pacifiers and bottles to avoid nipple confusion. If your baby is used to sucking from bottles, he may struggle to latch on to your breast. Until 6 months, you can only offer your infant breast milk and no other meals.


Best Lactogenic Foods

Fenugreek seeds

Worldwide, fenugreek seeds have been used for millennia to boost breast milk supply. Hemp seed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for brain development. Use fenugreek leaves, which are high in beta-carotene, vitamin B, calcium, and iron. Fenugreek seeds can be added to tea or utilized in savory recipes. The seeds go into roti and puri.

Sesame Seeds

Many individuals suggest sesame seeds as a food to boost breast milk. These seeds are a fantastic non-dairy calcium source for your baby’s growth. Even the mother needs calcium after birth to fully heal. Use sesame seeds in your regular cooking or make ladoos with them and eat one daily.

Seeds of Fennel

Apart from increasing milk production, fennel seeds are also used to treat gas and colic. It is anticipated that these seeds’ advantages will be passed on to the infant via breast milk. You may soak a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a glass of water overnight and then drink it or add it to your tea in the morning.


Garlic is well-known for its immune-boosting characteristics, its ability to prevent heart disease, and its healing capabilities. While garlic might assist increase milk production, it can also impact the taste and smell of breast milk. As a result, it should be used in moderation.

Vegetables with Green Leaves

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, fenugreek leaves, and mustard greens are high in minerals including iron, calcium, and folate. These vegetables are high in vitamins and are thought to aid in the production of breast milk. On a daily basis, you should consume at least one portion of green leafy vegetables.

Seeds of Cumin

Cumin seeds have been shown to aid in digestion, alleviate constipation, acidity, and bloating, as well as aid in breastfeeding. Additionally, they are high in vitamins and calcium. To reap the advantages, include these seeds into salads or soak them in water overnight and drink the resulting water.


Unripe papaya is a natural sedative that helps you relax while increasing milk production. Unripe papaya can be eaten raw in salads. Unripe papaya is an excellent galactagogue in Asia.


Carrots are high in Vitamin A, which helps to breastfeed and enhances milk quality. Raw carrots can be eaten as salads or juiced and consumed with breakfast. Carrots are one of the finest foods to boost lactation and are widely available.


Barley promotes lactation and hydration. You may add grains to salads or soak them overnight in hot water and drink the next day.

Brown Rice

Brown rice is recommended for a postpartum diet. It may help to breastfeed by stimulating the hormones responsible for milk production. It also offers the mother the energy she needs to care for and nourish her child. Prepare brown rice in a rice cooker or pressure cooker.

Salmon fish

If you can get fresh salmon, you should eat it. It contains omega-3 fatty acids and EFAs, which are claimed to assist breastfeeding. It enriches the milk produced. Salmon can be cooked, grilled, or pan-fried.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is high in carbs, which gives the mother energy. Vit. C, B-complex, and magnesium. Sweet potatoes may be used in both savory and sweet cuisines.


Water is often overlooked while researching how to enhance breast milk production. Drinking enough water throughout the day will help enhance milk production. It’s better to sip at a time than to down a big glass all at once

Moringa Drumsticks

Drumsticks are high in iron and calcium and may help increase milk production. Including this vegetable in your lunch or breakfast meals will help you lactate properly. You can use fresh moringa leaves, pills, or moringa tea to reap its advantages.


A balanced diet is important for your baby’s growth and development. Milk is naturally rich in folic acid, calcium, and healthy fats. Drink a glass of milk twice a day to boost breast milk production.


Chickpea is a protein and fiber-rich superfood. Chickpeas include vitamin B complex and calcium, which can help stimulate breast milk production.


Beets are a blood purifier, high in fiber and nutrients. Beets are said to assist enhance milk supply while also purifying the blood for your infant.


Lentils are a widely utilized component due to their high mineral, vitamin, and protein content. With the addition of dietary fiber (found in some lentils), you have a component that is not only healthful but also helps improve breast milk production.

Medications and foods to avoid when breast-feeding

While there is a long list of items that should be included in your post-pregnancy diet, there are several things that should be avoided at all costs. These foods are gaseous by nature, and as a result, they might produce flatulence and other digestive problems. Cauliflower, cabbage, potato, raw banana (or unripe banana), raw mango (or unripe mango), coffee, and alcoholic beverages should all be avoided.

The Bottom Line

When preparing a breastfeeding diet, keep in mind that your body has additional demands. Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet with a variety of nutrients will assist improve lactation. A singular emphasis on raising breast milk production is not advised. Consult your doctor often about your health and hire a nutritionist to help you design a diet that meets your demands. Making dietary modifications isn’t the only thing you should do. Doctors advise 30 minutes of daily exercise to help increase the mother’s immunity and improve blood circulation.

Your partner and other family members will aid you during the nursing time.







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