Home Diet Soya Chunks: Health Advantages and a Recipe

Soya Chunks: Health Advantages and a Recipe

Soya Chunks: Health Advantages and a Recipe
Soya Chunks

Imagine all the benefits of meat without the drawbacks. Soya chunks are TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) (TSP). Soybean oil is made from beans. The residue or by-product is termed soy flour. Soya chunks were formed using this flour. The flour is defatted after removing all oil. Soya chunks should be fat-free. Soya chunks also have a neutral taste. All of us have had classic pulao with soya chunks. They go well with various cuisines and are easy to cook with. Dehydrated soya chunks easily rehydrate. Soya pieces soak up water and become soft, fibrous, and spongy.

Soya chunks have as much protein as meat. They are also low in fat and cost-effective. So they are called ‘vegetarian meat’.


Nutritional Values

The nutritional value of a product might vary based on the brand and the cooking method used in preparation. According to the following nutritional profile, a popular soya chunk brand in India is popular among consumers.

A 100 gram serving of soya chunks contains:

  • 345 kcal
  • 52 g protein
  • 33 g carbohydrate
  • 13 g fiber
  • 0.50 g fat
  • 350 mg calcium
  • 20 mg iron


Nutritional Facts

  • A 100 g serving of soya chunk includes a lot of calories. So, choose portion size sensibly based on daily calorie intake.
  • Some brands call for frying the soya pieces first. This can greatly boost the calorie count.
  • Soya pieces have a lot of protein. 100 g chicken or egg has just 27 g protein, respectively. The high protein content meets both males’s and women’s daily requirements.
  • Similarly, soya chunks have a low-fat level compared to meat and eggs.
  • Soya chunks are high in calcium. It’s 35% of the daily recommended value.
  • The nutrient list includes trace amounts of iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C. But their prevalence is minor.


Health Benefits

Substitutes for meat

Soya chunks are suitable for vegetarians and people lacking in protein. They help to meet the recommended protein intake without compromising customs.
It includes 345 calories and 52 g protein per 100 g serving It is a meat substitute that contains more protein than chicken or lamb.



The protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber in soya chunks are excellent.
A 2015 Molecules study also discusses the benefits of soy and its capacity to lower harmful cholesterol levels in the body. Soya chunks are heart-healthy snacks because they contain beneficial cholesterol.


Weight loss aid

This unique plant-based protein has been shown to lower body fat. Soya pieces’ high fibre content curbs appetite. They can also keep you full for hours.
Soya chunks have a higher thermogenic effect (energy required to digest, absorb, and metabolize food) than carbs. Soya chunks can help you lose weight if you eat them in the right proportions.


It eases menopausal symptoms.

Hot flashes, nocturnal sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, and mood changes are common symptoms of menopause. Numerous minor studies have examined soy’s influence on these symptoms, particularly hot flashes.
Soy chucks contain isoflavones, a phytoestrogen. These are said to mimic estrogen and hence ease menopause symptoms.


Menopause-regulating hormone

Women with fluctuating hormonal activity might eat soya chunks regularly due to phytoestrogens.
Postmenopausal women and those with PCOS benefit the most. It mimics estrogen and regulates female menstruation.

Enhances gut health

In both animal and human research, soy eating increased bifidobacteria and lactobacilli levels in the stomach, improving gut health.



Soy meals have been demonstrated to improve several aspects of human health, including reducing the risk of inflammation-related disorders like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.
A study from Oklahoma State University’s Department of Nutritional Sciences demonstrates how soy protein reduces pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis.


Controls blood sugar

Soybean is a great food for diabetics and should be included in their diet.
Soybean is high in isoflavones, according to a University of Massachusetts Amherst study. These chemicals help prevent diabetes and heart disease. More crucially, the study found that soy-based diets can lower blood sugar levels and even increase glucose tolerance in diabetics.

Soya Pulao Recipe

Soybean is a great food for diabetics and should be included in their diet.
Soya Pulao Recipe


  • ½ cup soya chunks
  • ½  cup rice
  • Ghee (preferably handmade) – 2 tbsp
  • ½  teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ½  teaspoon peppercorns
  • ½   cinnamon sticks
  • 2 to 3 cloves
  • ½  cup onions
  • Any vegetable that you desire (optional)


  • Soak the soya chunks in water until pliable. Following that, rinse the pieces several times in water.
  • Simultaneously, immerse the rice in water.
  • Add oil or ghee to a pressure cooker.
  • Add cumin seeds, bay leaves, peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, and cloves to the hot oil.
  • Chop onions and add them to the pan after the spices.
  • Once the onion has turned golden brown, add your desired vegetables.
  • Add the soy chunks and continue sautéing for a few minutes.
  • Close the lid and add the soaked rice to the cooker along with 12 cups of water.
  • After one whistle on high heat, switch to simmer mode.
  • Keep an eye out for four to five whistles. Then, before opening the lid, wait for the steam to escape.


Soya Chunks Effects

Phytoestrogens in soya chunks are controversial. This trait may be necessary for certain women, but not for others. High soya chunk consumption may also create hormonal difficulties in men. They can also raise uric acid levels in the body, causing issues. However, these effects only apply to significant amounts of soy chunks. So enjoy 25-30 grams of soya chunks per day and reap the rewards.

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