Home LIP CARE Lip care for winter season

Lip care for winter season

Lip care for winter season
winter lip care

The skin on the lips is much thinner than the skin on other areas of the body, making it more susceptible to dehydration, which is especially important during the upcoming cold winter months. They seem dry and chapped when not adequately moisturized, and even more so when dehydrated.


The most common causes of dry lips 

  • Knowing the incredibly prevalent reasons for dry and cracked lips can make it simpler for you to prevent them in the future. These are the reasons:
  • Weather conditions such as a lack of humidity in the air during the winter or excessive sun exposure during the summer may also produce dry lips.
  • Liking or biting one’s lips is the worst habit one can have!
  • Dehydration
  • Excessive chemical use in lipsticks or lip balms is a concern (Ex. Alcohol)
  • Aging

The best lip balm for dry lips


Prefer natural lip balms to chemical-laden ones:

Butter –It’s a natural sunblock. It also contains allantoin (a healing agent), making it ideal for lip balm.

Jojoba oil –During the winter, jojoba oil nourishes, softens, and lubricates lips. So it can help heal cracked lips as well.

Wax –Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial natural skin softener to preserve your lips during the winter.

Castor oil – Use a natural lip balm with castor oil to nourish and moisturize your lips forever!

Real fruit oils – When artificial perfumes and/or flavors are substituted with real fruit oils, your lip balm is as natural as it gets. Many lip balms include ‘hidden chemicals’ like phthalates, which are damaging to the skin.

Let your lips feel fresh and smooth with this naturally gorgeous moisturizing organic lip balm packed with RAW ORANGE OIL.

Check for hazardous compounds like petrolatum, parabens, and artificial fragrances/flavors. You will use a lip balm at least twice a day, therefore the more natural the better.



You may acquire the perfect pair of winter lips with a little bit of attention and care, as well as the following advice.

Lips smacking

Lip licking damages the protective layer surrounding the lips, causing them to dry out faster. However, once the saliva has drained, it makes the lips much drier. Always carry a lip balm or chapstick and apply it whenever your lips feel dry.


Lips, like the rest of your body, require exfoliation. Homemade lip scrubs may be made using honey, coffee grinds, or even brown sugar. After the routine, moisturize your lips with your favorite lip moisturizing lotion.

Don’t peel or pluck

The temptation to peel or pick at your chapped lips is strong, but it should be avoided at all costs. You don’t want to end up with scabs and blisters on your lips if you avoid peeling or picking at the flaky skin. Peeling lips may cause blisters and fissures, which are both ugly and unpleasant, much like picking your pimples can cause long-term scarring to your skin. Do not pick at the skin on your lips with your fingers. Instead, apply lip oil or ointment to the affected area immediately.

Please don’t bite.

Never remove dry skin from the surface of your lips by biting it. Instead, try applying lip butter to soften them up a bit. It is always a good idea to exfoliate the surface of your lips with a mixture of honey and sugar, or with your toothbrush and toothpaste.


Take extra special care of your lips to ensure that they retain the necessary moisture level. Moisturizing your lips on a daily basis can help to maintain them supple and smooth throughout the day.

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