Home Teeth care How to Remove Tartar from Teeth Without a Dentist

How to Remove Tartar from Teeth Without a Dentist

How to Remove Tartar from Teeth Without a Dentist

This is a common question that most people who work with oral health ask. As it turns out, this isn’t a procedure that can be done safely at home. However, there are home remedies for dealing with too much plaque, which leads to tartar, so changing your dental habits could stop the problem from getting worse.

The good news is that good oral hygiene can stop plaque from building up early on before it turns into tartar. There are even some home remedies that can fight off plaque more quickly.

Don’t forget your oral care

Brush your teeth well twice a day and floss once a day to get rid of plaque at home, says Dr. Lin. Check out how to brush your teeth the right way. A good way to brush your teeth is to gently brush for at least two minutes and make sure to brush every side of each tooth. You should know how to floss for the best results. There is both a right and a wrong way. Keep your mouth healthy with oil pulling, too. This is another way to do it.

Baking soda

Baking soda is mildly abrasive, which means it is good at getting rid of tartar buildup from tooth enamel.
Use this method by making a paste with your toothbrush.
The paste is made with water, baking soda, and a little salt. Then, put some paste on a toothbrush and brush your teeth the same way you would with toothpaste.
This doesn’t mean you don’t need to brush your teeth. Remember to still brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day, even if you use this method.

White vinegar

Another way to fight tartar without going to the dentist is to use white vinegar.
Pour white wine vinegar into a glass of warm salt water and stir it together.
You should swish this mixture around in your mouth once a day, just like you would with mouth wash.
There is tartar between your teeth and gums. This can help get rid of it.

Orange peel

Orange peel can be a surprising way to get rid of tartar without going to the dentist. Antimicrobial properties in orange peel cut through tartar and plaque buildup on teeth and kill bacteria. Vitamin C in orange peel also helps cut through tartar and plaque and kills bacteria on teeth.
Take the orange peel and rub it where your teeth meet your gums.
Another way to use the peel is to make a paste out of it. This paste would be made out of the inside of the peel and water. This can then be brushed onto the teeth and gums, just like toothpaste would be used to do.

Seeds of sesame

Sesame seeds are a good way to get rid of tartar without having to go to the dentist and without hurting your teeth, too.
In your mouth, put a handful of sesame seeds and chew them until they are soft, but don’t spit them out!
To clean your teeth, you’ll need to get a dry toothbrush.
Afterward, rinse the sesame seeds from your mouth with water.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a great way to remove tartar from your teeth without having to go to the dentist. When you eat aloe vera, it has antimicrobial properties that can help you fight off plaque.
Mix one tablespoon of aloe vera gel with four tablespoons glycerine, five tablespoons baking soda, and one cup of water to remove tartar from your teeth.
It’s then time to brush your teeth with the mix. See how it works on your teeth over time.


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