Home others High blood pressure control is important.

High blood pressure control is important.

High blood pressure control is important.
High Blood Pressure

Exerted by the blood of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is chronically high pressure on the blood vessel walls. For example, you may not be aware that you have high blood pressure, yet the harm is still occurring within your body. Your BP is two digits. In other words, it measures the force exerted on the blood vessel walls as your heart beats or contracts. The bottom number is diastolic blood pressure, which measures pressure on blood vessels during the relaxation of the heart.

For example, 110/70 is normal, while 135/85 is moderate hypertension, and so on (see table).


How Does Blood Pressure Work?

Blood pressure is the force exerted against the walls of blood vessels by the heart as it pumps blood. Blood pressure rises as a result of the heart’s squeezing and push of blood into the blood arteries. When the heart begins to relax, it begins to fall down.

The pressure in your blood vessels fluctuates from minute to minute. It is influenced by factors like physical activity and rest, body temperature, food, emotions, posture, and medications.


High blood pressure has several causes for the majority of people. But there are a lot of factors that increase your risk. In the medical community, these are referred to as risk factors.

You can control some of the risk factors for high blood pressure, such as when you.

Smoke or vape: Blood pressure rises as a result of nicotine use, whether from smoking or vaping. As your arteries are damaged, you are more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke as a result.

Consume an excess of processed foods: Salt is a common ingredient in many prepared dishes. You may elevate your blood pressure by eating too much salt, which causes your body to hold on to adding water.

Drink excessive amounts of alcohol:  Blood pressure rises as a result of drinking alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol on a daily basis might raise blood pressure over time.

They are obese: Even if you only lose a few pounds, your blood pressure will go down.

Insufficient activity: Blood pressure can be reduced by moving more and sitting less.

Stressed out As your body releases stress chemicals, your blood pressure rises. The specific relationship between long-term high blood pressure and persistent stress is still a mystery to researchers.

Other factors to consider are as follow:

Diabetes:  High blood pressure is twice as likely to occur in those who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Having kidney disease: High blood pressure might be caused by another medical issue that affects your kidneys, arteries, heart, or endocrine (gland) system.

The condition of age: Naturally, as people grow older, their blood pressure rises as well.

Prescription drugs, such as birth control tablets: Any drug you are taking may have adverse effects, so consult your pharmacist.

Genetic: In order to determine whether your parents or siblings have suffered from high blood pressure, ask them about it.


Symptoms and signs 

The majority of people who have high blood pressure will not show any signs or symptoms, which is why hypertension is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer.”

However, once blood pressure hits around 180/120 mm Hg, it is considered a hypertensive crisis, which is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.

A person may be suffering from one or more of the following conditions:

a throbbing headache
nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred or double vision are all possible symptoms.
palpitations in the heart
Anyone who develops these symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible.


What is the treatment for high blood pressure?

If high blood pressure is caused by a medical condition such as renal illness or lung disease, addressing the underlying ailment may be sufficient to bring the blood pressure back to normal.

Doctors may also advise patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle. If you have hypertension, your doctor may advise you to undertake one or more of the following:

Consume a nutritious diet:

  • Increase your intake of fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy products.
  • Keep the salt intake to a minimum.
  • Stay away from caffeinated beverages (found in sodas, tea, coffee, and energy drinks).
  • Stay away from alcoholic beverages.

Get frequent physical activity:

Try to get 30–60 minutes of activity in three times a week at the very least. Teens with severe hypertension, on the other hand, should refrain from engaging in any weightlifting or power-lifting, bodybuilding, or strength training until their blood pressure has been brought under control and a doctor has given the go-ahead.

Not smoke.

  • Smoking should be avoided by those with high blood pressure, and their house and car should be smoke-free as well.
  • If dietary and activity modifications do not result in a reduction in blood pressure, physicians may recommend medication.

Manage stress

Stress and long-term high blood pressure are largely unknown to scientists. Stress, on the other hand, contributes to poor diet and excessive alcohol consumption.

High blood pressure medications include:

  • Diuretics
  • ACE inhibitors
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers
  • Calcium-channel blockers
  • Beta-blockers.
  • Your doctor will choose the optimal pill kind and dosage for you.

Blood pressure medication usually outweighs its adverse effects. If you’re worried, see a doctor. They can sometimes modify your medicine or dosage. Never discontinue taking medicine without consulting your doctor.

Point of view

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a highly frequent health concern in the US.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with hypertension, your treatment strategy will differ. These include the severity of your hypertension and your doctor’s recommended treatment plan.

The good news is that lifestyle adjustments can help manage or even reverse hypertension. These adjustments include eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising more, decreasing salt intake, and drinking less alcohol.

Because hypertension typically has no symptoms, it’s critical to have your blood pressure tested annually. Severe hypertension can cause major health complications, so getting it recognized early can help control — and even cure it!

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