Home Diet The health benefits of barley tea and how to prepare it

The health benefits of barley tea and how to prepare it

The health benefits of barley tea and how to prepare it
Barley tea

Barley tea is a popular herbal beverage in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. To make tea, barley seeds are roasted first. Germinated and dried barley is used to make malt for beer.

Barley tea aids in weight loss, glycemic control, and digestion. Fiber content, smokey scent, and roasty flavor make it popular. The components found in barley grains used to make barley tea include beta-glucans, antioxidants, polyphenols, arabinoxylan, phytosterols, tools, and resistant starch. The best part about roasted tea is that it may be consumed hot or cold. It can also be drunk with low-fat milk or honey for sweetness. Examine the fine print.


Prevents allergies

Based on the results of one study, fermented barley grain extract may help alleviate symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as nasal congestion, headache, and runny nose. Despite the lack of research on barley tea and allergies, the benefits of barley fermented extract make it a viable treatment option.


According to studies on mice, barley tea can help prevent diabetes. Due to its low calorie and high fiber content, the tea is best utilized as a sugar substitute. Barley tea has anti-diabetic properties.

Helps male fertility issues

Barley contains selenium, an important mineral, and antioxidant. The mineral is known to boost sperm motility and quality. Low selenium levels cause infertility in both men and women, as well as muscle weakness, hair loss, and mental dullness.


Barley tea has been shown to increase cognitive abilities, maintain the intestinal microbiome, and lower the risk of heart disease, extending one’s lifetime by around four weeks. It also slows down cognitive loss and spatial recognition with aging.

Immune system

Barley tea includes peptide, an active protein connected to immune system support. Beta-glucans and arabinoxylan are also immunomodulatory components of barley tea. They are known to boost immune function by increasing bone marrow and white blood cell production.


The anti-inflammatory benefits of barley tea are due to phenolic chemicals. Ferulic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid are polyphenols in barley. This decreases inflammatory cytokines and inflammation.

Prevents heart disease

Barley tea is heart-healthy. Barley tea’s vitamins (A, C, B1, and E), flavonoids (saponarin), and amino acids (tryptophan) can prevent heart disease. Also, beta-glucan in barley helps lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.


Blood pressure control

Beta-glucan is a type of soluble dietary fiber that is well-known for its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. This substance helps to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as to lower overall blood pressure levels.

Better bowel health

Because barley is abundant in dietary fiber and has laxative effects, it aids in the bulking of the stool and the promotion of bowel movement. In addition, barley is an excellent food for preventing hemorrhoids and relieving constipation.

Prevents Metabolic Sick

Because of the presence of polyphenols in barley tea, it has been shown to have beneficial effects on the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). The presence of excessive amounts of aberrant cholesterol in the body is the primary cause of the metabolic syndrome. Consequently, lowering bad cholesterol can assist to prevent the illness from occurring.

Relieves insomnia

Whole grains, such as barley, are excellent natural sources of melatonin in the diet. It contributes to the rise in the production of melatonin in the body, which is beneficial in the treatment of sleep disorders such as insomnia. Melatonin is a hormone that the body naturally produces to help regulate the body’s internal clock.


 of Barley on the Body

  • People who have celiac disease may experience adverse reactions to the beta-glucan found in barley tea.
  • Because of the high fiber content of the tea, it may produce constipation or loose stools in some people.
  • Taking a substantial amount of a chemical known as acrylamide, which is generated by gently toasted barley, has been linked to the development of cancer in a certain set of people.

Making Barley Tea


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp roasted barley (brown barley grains in a frying pan or skillet over low heat. (There should be no oil used.)
  • Honey (optional)


Add the barley grain to a pot of boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes at a low temperature. Switch off the burner and allow the mixture to steep for 5 minutes before serving. Pour the liquid through a strainer and enjoy. You can also store it in the refrigerator and devour it later. If you prefer a little sweetness, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

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