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Tips for Increasing Your Body Weight

Tips for Increasing Your Body Weight

Weight loss is such a hot topic nowadays that we frequently overlook those who battle with weight gain. Some have always been thinner, while others may have lost weight owing to sickness or surgery. Either way, gaining weight is easy if you put in the effort consistently. Follow these simple steps to safely gain weight:

Add more protein to your diet

Adding protein to your diet can help you win the battle of the bulge. It aids in weight gain and delivers a long-lasting burst of energy. It is possible to meet your daily protein needs by eating salmon, eggs, and lean meats like chicken. Non-meat alternatives include soy products, beans, bananas, and smoothies.


Make each meal a little more calorie.

You must consume more calories than you expend on a daily basis in order to maintain a healthy weight. Good carbs can be added to your diet by adding starchy vegetables and brown rice to your diet as well as green leafy vegetables and bread. Milk and fresh juice are also good sources of calories when you’re in need of a quick pick-me-up.


Snacks should be small but healthy

There is no benefit to eating processed foods like sugary and fried foods when it comes to gaining weight. They could actually hurt you and throw your body’s metabolism out of wack. Whole grain biscuits and chips and dips are nutritious options. You should eat a lot more:

  • Fruits that have been dried
  • Butters
  • Nuts
  • Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Milk that is heavy in fat is good for you.
  • Protein smoothies created with fresh, home-grown ingredients


Enjoy your snack.

Snacks that are high in protein and high in healthy carbohydrates are recommended. Options such as trail mix, protein bars or drinks, and crackers smeared with hummus or peanut butter should be considered. Also, eat snacks that are high in “good fats,” which are essential for maintaining a healthy heart. Nuts and avocados are examples of such foods.


Do sleep and stress promote weight gain?

Because your muscles repair and strengthen while you sleep, make sure you get enough of it. In fact, lack of sleep increases stress levels. Lack of sleep and stress elevates cortisol levels. Unfortunately, greater cortisol levels hinder healthy weight gain. They may cause fat gain rather than lean mass.

Higher cortisol levels promote fat accumulation indirectly through overeating and a desire for junk food.

To be in top shape and support healthy lean mass growth, try to:

  • 7–9 hours of sleep
  • Relax and enjoy life.
  • Instead of being lonely, socialize with others.
  • Stop overtraining


Every 1-3 Hours, Eat a Meal.

Despite the fact that you’ll eat more for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, this is still a good idea. A continual supply of digestible energy, rather than trying to process massive boluses of food,” Armul explains.


Load Up on Nut Butter

Increase your daily calorie intake by 180-200 calories by adding two to four tablespoons of nut butter of your choice. I think this is the most straightforward recommendation because it only requires a jar and a spoon,” says Peacock, who prefers natural butter like almond or cashew.


Try weight lifting

Weight lifting is vital for weight loss. It can also aid with weight gain. Not exactly weight gain, but it prevents excess calories from being stored as fat. Rather, it directs excess calories to your muscles. Weight training 2-4 times a week will increase weight and muscle mass. Remember, we want to gain a healthy weight.

Gaining weight with protein, creatine and other supplements like caffeine citrulline and beta-alanine is possible.

Weight gainers and mass gainers are the most popular. They help you gain weight by increasing your calorie intake. Weight gainers and mass gainers are high-calorie concoctions that contain carbs, fats, and proteins to help you gain weight.

Let’s have a look at some of the top weight gainers on the market today.


When to visit a doctor

If you’ve accidentally lost a lot of weight in the last 3 months and observed symptoms like baggy clothes, intense fatigue, mood swings, and decreased physical performance, you should visit a doctor. They can provide a thorough assessment and discover any abnormalities causing weight loss. In some cases, a doctor may refer you to a dietician. If you have a medical issue or symptoms such as missed periods, muscle weakness, or pain, you must consult your doctor.

If you can’t eat because you can’t swallow or chew, see your doctor so they can refer you to a nutritionist and a speech and language therapist to assess your needs and recommend textured adapted foods.

Speak to a trusted person if you suspect an eating disorder. Consider talking to your doctor – they can assist you to find services and health professionals who can help you.

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