Home Motherhood Foods That Can Affect Pregnancy Miscarriage

Foods That Can Affect Pregnancy Miscarriage

Foods That Can Affect  Pregnancy Miscarriage

Pregnancy is the beginning of motherhood. A pregnant woman’s diet must be balanced and rich in fruits and vegetables. But foods like papaya, pineapple, crabs, eggs, and mercury-rich fish should be avoided. These foods can cause miscarriage, especially in the first trimester. To avoid miscarriage, pregnant women must avoid certain foods. And we’ll look at a few in this article. See more below.

 Which Foods Cause Miscarriage

Medication can help alleviate morning sickness and nausea. Several women know what pregnant women should consume and avoid for their baby’s wellbeing. The following foods should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. Let us examine them.


Crabs are a good source of calcium, but they also contain a lot of cholesterol, which can raise your risk of heart disease. Pregnancy complications, such as bleeding and miscarriage, might result from this. Because of this, pregnant women should avoid eating it.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds should be consumed in moderation by pregnant women. Early pregnancy can be harmed by the consumption of sesame seeds, whether black or white, with honey.

Animal liver

Vitamin A is abundant in animal liver. A miscarriage won’t happen if you take it twice a month. This can lead to a buildup of retinol in the baby’s body if it is ingested in significant quantities by pregnant mothers.


Papayas that aren’t ripe or green have laxative and premature labor-inducing components. Additionally, papaya seeds contain enzymes that induce the uterus to contract, which results in a miscarriage.


Pregnant women should use caution when eating drumsticks. It contains alpha-sitosterol, which has been shown to be harmful to the fetus. A small amount of drumstick can be consumed because it is a good source of iron, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals.

Raw Dairy Products

Listeria monocytogenes, a disease-carrying bacteria, can be dangerous to a pregnant woman’s health if consumed in raw milk, gorgonzola, mozzarella, feta, and brie kinds. This can cause pregnancy difficulties if one consumes such dairy products.


Caffeine has been found to be safe for pregnant women who drink it in moderation, according to the latest research. As a precaution, pregnant women should limit their use of caffeine, as high levels can lead to miscarriage or underweight fetuses. As a diuretic, caffeine should be used only in small amounts. It’s not just coffee that has caffeine in it; it’s also found in tea, chocolate, and some energy drinks.

Fish High in Mercury

Fish should be avoided by pregnant women. Don’t eat king mackerel, orange roughy, marlin, shark and tilefish, swordfish, and bigeye tuna because they contain high levels of mercury. A baby’s developing brain and the nervous system might be negatively impacted by excessive mercury ingestion.


Pregnant women are advised not to take herbs. It is possible to harm the fetus by using herbs that contain steroids during pregnancy. Centella, for example, can cause liver damage, resulting in severe jaundice and brain damage in the newborn. Premature or miscarriage can result from the use of Dong Quai. Before ingesting any herbs, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor.


When taken in sufficient quantities during pregnancy, peaches might cause internal bleeding due to the high levels of heat they produce in the body. Additionally, pregnant women should remove the peach’s skin before consuming it, since the hair on the fruit might cause burning and irritation in the throat.

Wild Apples

Wild apples should not be consumed by pregnant women. Premature labor or a miscarriage may be caused by their acidic and sour characteristics.


Many types of seafood, including oysters, sashimi, sushi, and prawns, may be contaminated with listeria, which can cause preterm labor or miscarriage in pregnant women. It’s best to eat seafood that has been properly cooked. The fish at a Japanese restaurant may be uncooked on the inside, so be careful.


Spices enhance the flavor of food. However, some spices, such as fenugreek, asafoetida, garlic, angelica, and peppermint, should be avoided when pregnant. These spices can cause contractions, premature labor, and miscarriage in pregnant women. Pregnant women may experience blood thinning and bleeding as a result of taking these medications.

Sprouted Potato

Little green sprouts appear when potatoes are left untouched for too long. Pregnant women should avoid eating these potatoes. Solanine, which is found in sprouted potatoes, has been linked to a decrease in fetal growth.

Raw Sprouts

In India, sprouts are a popular dish. Salmonella can be found in raw sprouts such as clover, alfalfa, radish, and mung bean sprouts. Cooked sprouts, on the other hand, are safe for pregnant women to eat.


Getting pregnant can make it difficult for women who drink to continue. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on a fetus’ brain development, and it also raises the likelihood of a miscarriage or a stillbirth. Even a minuscule amount can cause birth problems such as facial deformities, heart defects, and intellectual difficulties in a child.

Processed Meat

The consumption of processed meats such as salami and pepperoni is not advised during pregnancy. Toxoplasma gondii, listeria, and salmonella are bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Babies born prematurely or still should not be eaten by pregnant mothers due to the bacteria present. So, prepare the meat properly and reheat it well before eating.

Eggs and Poultry

During pregnancy, avoid eating eggs and chicken products. They contain salmonella bacteria, which can cause diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, and even miscarriage. Cook the eggs until the whites and yolks are firm. This kills microorganisms and makes them safe to eat. Avoid eggnog, homemade mayonnaise, mousse, soufflé, and smoothies with raw eggs.

Unwashed and Unpeeled Vegetables

Green leafy veggies are good for the fetus Onion contains toxoplasma gondii, which causes toxoplasmosis. Infected pregnant women can infect their unborn kids. Soak vegetables in clean saltwater and wash them under running water before eating. Pregnant women should thoroughly rinse, peel, and cook their veggies. Also, wash and dry the used utensils.


In pregnancy, pineapples contain bromelain, which relaxes the cervix and induces premature labor contractions. Early in pregnancy, pregnant women can consume moderate amounts of pineapples. A lot of pineapples (7-10 full fruits) can induce bleeding. For more information, visit your doctor.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has several health benefits. Pregnant ladies have been known to ingest aloe vera. This is problematic because aloe vera contains anthraquinones, a laxative that causes uterine contractions and pelvic hemorrhage. This causes a miscarriage. However, applying aloe vera gel on the face is safe during pregnancy.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

There are no nutritional benefits to eating junk food; instead, it’s a heavy source of calories, fats, and sugar. Gestational diabetes, weight gain, and heart disease have been linked to excessive sugar consumption during pregnancy. Overweight babies are more likely if the mother uses this method.


Pregnancy is a time when eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is especially important. If you want to ensure that you’re getting enough vitamins and nutrients, you should eat a variety of foods. The key is moderation. Pregnancy can be harmed by excessive consumption of any food. We recommend that you talk with your gynecologist and dietitian about this.

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