Home Skin Care Eye Care Eye-friendly foods to eat in the winter

Eye-friendly foods to eat in the winter

Eye-friendly foods to eat in the winter

Winters are the greatest for seasonal veggies and fruits. There are many winter vegetables, fruits, and other meals that are beneficial for the eyes and will aid your child’s eyesight. Also, if your child has bad eyesight, these winter foods may help improve it. These meals are high in vitamin A, which is believed to improve vision. It is required for good night vision.

Winter Greens

A range of vitamins and minerals are found in winter vegetables like broccoli and Brussel sprouts. They are high in vitamins A and C, beta carotene, and lutein, which are important for eye health. Vitamins A, C, and E have been found to help reduce the impact of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Beta carotene has a similar impact. Lutein is an antioxidant present in high concentrations in macular tissue that absorbs 40-90 percent of blue light entering the eyes. This means enhanced retinal protection and a reduced chance of macular degeneration.


Nuts are high in vitamin E. Vitamin E protects eye cells from free radicals and may help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Vitamin E, along with vitamins A and C, forms an ACE triad that protects the eyes.

Remember that a balanced diet is essential for excellent eye health. If you have specific eye illnesses, your eye doctor may offer vitamins, but always consult with them before taking supplements or changing your diet.


When eaten with turkey, these small dark red berries provide an additional dose of vitamins A and C, which we know can aid with overall eye health, but especially with cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, among other things.


Your retinas require DHA and EPA to function properly. Fish like salmon, tuna, and trout, as well as other seafood, include both. Omega-3s may also protect against AMD and glaucoma. Dry eyes are connected to a lack of these fatty acids.

Lean Meat and Chicken

Zinc transports vitamin A from the liver to the retina, where it is needed to produce melanin. Oysters have the most zinc per serving, but you don’t have to like shellfish to obtain enough: Sources include beef, pork, and chicken (dark and breast meat).


It’s a wonderful deal: Your body needs zinc to utilize lutein and zeaxanthin from egg yolks. Yellow-orange pigments protect the retina from harmful blue light. They help increase protective pigment in the macula, which governs central vision.

Brussel Sprouts with Broccoli

Vitamin A (as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene), vitamin C, and vitamin E are found in these closely related vegetables. They’re all antioxidants that protect your eyes from free radicals, which damage healthy tissue. Your retinas are, particularly at risk.

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