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What to do during periods to relieve pain?

What to do during periods to relieve pain?

Bad period pains occur when the uterine walls constrict, preventing oxygen from reaching the uterus tissue. First, if you have period pains, see your doctor to rule out significant issues like endometriosis, fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease that require particular treatment.

Period Pain Relief: What Works? [Dr. Claudia]

If significant causes of period cramps are ruled out, you might consider techniques of easing the pain. Prescribed or OTC drugs can help, but non-medicinal activities work better.

It is possible to prevent the pain from occurring, but it is also possible to assist relieve it after it has occurred. Because every lady is unique, you may need to explore many possibilities before settling on one.

More Water

Menstrual cramps, or primary dysmenorrhea, are a monthly annoyance for many women. More water may help reduce bloating, which worsens discomfort. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily, especially during your period. Make it more appealing with mint or a lemon wedge. Reduce salt intake, which promotes fluid retention and bloating. Avoid alcohol, which dehydrates you. Menstrual cramps can cause diarrhea or vomiting in some people. Drink lots of water to replenish lost fluids.

Balance your diet.

Eating a balanced meal at regular times throughout the day can help avoid or lessen period discomfort. Vegetables and fruits make up a balanced diet.

  • Complex carbs help your body create more serotonin, which helps control your mood and symptoms.
  • Almonds, buckwheat, millet, oats, sesame and sunflower seeds, blackstrap molasses, grapes, and red beets are more options.
  • Eat six smaller meals throughout the day instead of three bigger ones. Spreading out your meals will help keep your blood sugar levels regulated, which can help relieve period symptoms like discomfort and cramps.
  • Cook with healthy oils like olive or vegetable.

Eat low-fat, low-sodium meals

Large amounts of fat and highly processed meals should be avoided. It is also beneficial to lower salt intake. All of these foods might exacerbate period pain (and other PMS symptoms).

  • It is also preferable to avoid trans-fat-containing meals. In commercial foods such as cookies, crackers, cakes, french fries, onion rings, doughnuts, and margarine there contain trans-fats.

Caffeine should be avoided.

Cramping and bloating might be exacerbated by caffeine-containing beverages and meals. Those who use caffeine may have increased constriction and cramping in their blood vessels compared to those who do not consume caffeine.
During the week leading up to your period, avoid drinking coffee and caffeinated tea.

Use ice to relieve headaches.

Hormonal changes right before your menstruation might trigger severe headaches and migraines. Applying a cool cloth or ice pack to your head or neck might help ease the discomfort produced by these headaches.

  • If you use an ice pack or ice cubes, cover them in a towel beforehand. Applying ice straight to the skin might cause discomfort or injury.

Exercise on a regular basis.

Exercise is not only beneficial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but it may also assist to alleviate cramps and other symptoms associated with your period. Yoga and aerobic activities are two of the most effective methods of exercise available today.

  • Try to get 30 minutes of activity every day, at least five days a week.

A hot bath or heating pads

A warm bath (or shower) or heating pad might help relieve period cramps.
Lie the heating pad on your tummy, below the belly button.

  • Avoid sleeping with a heating pad on. If feasible, get a heating pad that shuts off after a set time.

Take in more calcium.

Calcium can help prevent and lessen period discomfort, as well as many other PMS symptoms. Dairy products, fortified soy drinks, tinned salmon and sardines, and leafy greens all contain calcium.

  • You can also take a calcium supplement of 500-1200 mg every day.

Take anti-inflammatories.

Ibuprofen and naproxen are examples of anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals. Start taking these pills a day before your period is due, and keep taking them for several days after your period has begun.

Prepare a cup of herbal tea.

Several varieties of herbal teas contain substances that might help to alleviate the unpleasant cramps that are associated with your monthly cycle.

Raspberry leaf tea has been shown to help calm the uterus and relieve cramping in women.

Chamomile tea includes an anti-spasmodic that may also be used to alleviate cramping symptoms.

Tea prepared from cramp bark (made by simmering 1 teaspoon of dried cramp bark in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes) might be beneficial in relieving pain. It is possible to take it up to three times a day.


Menstrual cramps can be relieved by massaging your belly for as little as 5 minutes a day, according to some studies. Massage stimulates the flow of blood. In addition to its cosmetic benefits, a massaging cream that contains essential oils like clary sage, lavender, and marjoram provides health benefits for the body. There are components in these oils that have been claimed by many to be effective in relieving pain and soothing dysmenorrhea symptoms.

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