Home Diet Diet tips for post-menopause slimming down

Diet tips for post-menopause slimming down

Diet tips for post-menopause slimming down
Menopause slimming down

You can’t afford to be out of shape when sixty is the new 50. By their late 40s, women tend to gain half a kg per year after their menstrual cycle finishes. Worst of all, most of the fat accumulates in the abdomen. Hormone decline is the main cause. Body fat moves from the hips, thighs, and buttocks to the abdomen. This causes a muffin top — fat overflowing over the top of one’s jeans. Doctors blame the decline in physical exercise. In middle age, women live slower than younger women while ingesting the same or more calories.

You can lose weight and reduce your risk of disease by making smart dietary adjustments.

Portion management

Girls have a faster metabolic rate than middle-aged women, who have a metabolism that is more than 20% slower. As a result, food takes longer to digest and convert into energy, and it is more likely to be converted into fat. As a result, eat small, frequent meals at home and order half of your meal to be brought to you when dining out.


Fat loss

Keep fatty meals such as red meat, ice cream, butter, and cookies to a bare minimum. It is recommended that fat accounts for no more than 25% of your total daily calorie intake. Cooking with healthy oils (olive, rice bran) rather than ghee or hydrogenated oils such as palm oil is recommended.


Reduce salt

Salt should not be added to salads or cooked with, and it should be used sparingly in cooking. Salt and refined carbohydrates cause you to retain water, making you appear bloated and puffy. Reduced sodium intake can also help to control blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.


Maintain your sobriety.

Red wine may be heart-healthy and have fewer calories than other beverages, but it’s ideal for postmenopausal women to limit their consumption to special occasions. The use of one drink per day increases the chance of developing breast cancer and may also result in an increase in hot flashes as a result of the blood vessel dilatation produced by alcohol.


Get a little fishy

Consume at least two pieces of fish per week to maintain a healthy weight. These are low-fat source of protein that is also beneficial to your heart. Instead of frying, bake or grilling instead to keep calorie consumption to a bare minimum. If you are not a fan of fish, you may want to consider taking fish oil supplements under the supervision of your doctor, as these may also lessen your chance of developing breast cancer.


Increase your fiber intake.

Consume high-fiber foods such as bran, brown rice, barley, quinoa, and whole wheat pasta to help you lose weight. In addition, you should consume five servings of fruits and vegetables each day, ideally, dark-colored ones (beetroot, spinach, carrot, and berries), which contain high levels of micronutrients and should be consumed raw. Adult women require approximately 21 grams of fiber each day.



Many people feel that soy, which contains plant estrogens, increases the risk of developing breast cancer. However, there is little evidence to support this claim. High quantities of soy supplements, according to experts, can encourage the formation of estrogen-sensitive cancers, although soy foods such as tofu, soy nuts, and soy milk are considered safe to take. You can get a significant amount of protein from them, and they can also help you get relief from minor hot flashes.


Take in calcium

After menopause, hormones cause bone loss, placing women at risk for osteoporosis. So calcium intake becomes critical. Consume 1,200 mg calcium daily for women over 50 and 1,000 mg for menstrual women. The dairy items like milk, yogurt, and cheese might help you meet this limit. Choose low-fat variants to avoid weight gain. To ensure calcium absorption, take a walk in the early morning sun or consume a cup of whole milk every day.


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