Home Beauty Care Curry Leaves: Health Advantages and Nutritional Facts

Curry Leaves: Health Advantages and Nutritional Facts

Curry Leaves: Health Advantages and Nutritional Facts
Curry Leaves

Curry leaves aren’t just for garnishing. They have medical, nutritional, and cosmetic qualities. Indians are familiar with curry leaves and their flavor.

Originally from India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, they are now farmed globally. West and South Indian cuisines employ these leaves like mustard seeds or turmeric. Curry leaves are thus a staple of the country’s cuisine. Curry leaves are called ‘sweet neem’ in India because they resemble neem leaves. They are called Kadi Patta in Hindi, Meetha Neem in Tamil, and Karivempu in Malayalam. They may add flavor to simple curries and veggies by simply tempering them. The taste of these leaves is somewhat bitter, flavorsome, and edgy.

Curry leaves are also used in Ayurvedic dishes and treatments.


Nutritional Facts of Curry Leaves

For every 100 grams of these leaves, you’ll consume 108 calories. These leaves are rich in carbohydrates, energy, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.

Among the minerals found in them are calcium, phosphorus, and zinc as well as iron, potassium, and magnesium.

Curry leaves have a particular flavor because of the presence of essential oils.

Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9, C, and E are all present in these seeds.

antioxidants include vitamins C and E, as well as chlorophyll and zinc.

They’re low in fat, too (0.1 g per 100 g)


Importance in Terms of Nutrition

Fibers: Gut health and regular bowel movements are linked to a diet rich in fiber.

Proteases: They include a lot of protein, which is essential for constructing our bodies.

Calcium: Bones and teeth are stronger when they are nourished with calcium.

Phosphorus: These leaves are packed with phosphorus. In addition, it helps to flush out the toxins from our bodies and alleviate muscle cramps in the process.

Aromatherapy oils: It’s packed with essential oils. Anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects are all present in this supplement. It also helps to keep your hair, skin, and gums in good condition. Stress is reduced

Stress is reduced by inhaling the relaxing aroma of this herb and the essential oils that it contains.


Lowers cholesterol

Increased cholesterol levels increase the likelihood of developing heart disease. Curry leaves are also beneficial in decreasing cholesterol levels.



They contain a lot of antioxidants. Because they remove all of the potentially hazardous toxins from our systems, they help us to stay healthy.

Oral hygiene

Curry leaves have the ability to prevent bacteria from forming in our mouths. They contribute to the preservation of oral hygiene by ensuring the health of our gums and teeth. Chew 2-3 leaves twice a day to keep your mouth healthy.


Healthy for our eyes

This aromatic herb contains a high concentration of vitamin A, which is necessary for maintaining excellent vision. It also helps to prevent the development of cataracts in the eye.

Heal Wounds

Applying curry leaf paste to wounds, rashes, boils, and minor burns can help to alleviate their symptoms. Moreover, they contribute to the prevention of hazardous illnesses.

Avoids Anemia

These foods are high in iron and folic acid, both of which are essential for maintaining the body’s red blood cell count.

Aids weight loss

Curry leaves have cleansing properties and help to cleanse our bodies. Detoxification is one of the most effective methods of shedding excess body fat that has been collected.


When it comes to decreasing blood glucose levels, this plant is highly effective. Copper, iron, and zinc are minerals that are beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels.


These fragrant leaves have anti-bacterial properties and can aid in the treatment of a variety of ailments in the body.

Beneficial to the liver

The antioxidant capabilities of this plant are particularly effective. This supplement operates better when combined with vitamins A and C.

Stops morning sickness

Curry leaves can provide assistance to pregnant women throughout the first trimester of their pregnancy by lowering nausea and morning sickness.

Relieves tension

With its calming aroma and the use of essential oils, this herb can aid to soothe your exhausted nerves and reduce overall stress levels.

How to Keep Curry Leaves?

When curry leaves are fresh, they have a distinct flavor. When they are dried, they lose a lot of their flavor. Freezing is the greatest method for preserving them.

  • Remove the leaves using a fork or knife.
  • The decaying leaves should be thrown out.
  • Rinse well.
  • Leaves should be dried out.
  • Keep it in an airtight container like a zip-lock bag.

Look for dark green leaves, not brown ones. For up to two weeks, you can keep fresh leaves in the fridge. It’s possible that frozen leaves will turn a darker shade of green, but that won’t impact the way they taste or smell.


Care for your skin and hair

  • To make a paste, grind curry leaves, turmeric, and curd. Soothe skin irritations and rashes and improve the skin’s texture by applying to the skin.
  • Apply a mixture of leaves and coconut oil to your hair to improve its quality.
  • Lemon juice mixed with curry leaves can be used to strengthen hair roots.


It can be used for medicinal purposes.

  • Greying before it’s time.
  • Pimples and acne
  • Gum regrowth
  • brushing and flossing
  • Poisonous animal stings


Uses in the Cosmetic Industry

Hair oil: These Leaves contain a high concentration of protein, which can help to prevent hair loss while simultaneously increasing hair growth.

Soaps: Antibacterial characteristics are present in them. As a result, these leaves are commonly found as one of the primary constituents in herbal soap.

Deodorants: These leaves also contain anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. As a result, utilizing deodorants that contain this plant can help you feel more refreshed and perfumed during the summer.

Creams: Aside from that, curry leaves have powerful antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic effects. As a result, these leaves are found in a variety of facial treatments and body lotions




Almost every house in western, southern, and central India has curry leaf plants, although the herb remains underestimated. These leaves are delicious and healthful. They also have several health benefits. They are bitter at first, but once you get used to them, you will enjoy them.

Add curry leaves to meals for additional flavor. They are great for seasoning Indian food. Try them with your snacks.

Add a handful of these leaves to your popcorn oil or ghee for a unique and refreshing flavor. Add curry leaves to roasted vegetables. The lovely scents of these aromatic leaves will knock you off.

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