Home Motherhood Breastfeeding Tips for a Positive Journey

Breastfeeding Tips for a Positive Journey

Breastfeeding Tips for a Positive Journey
Breast feeding mom

You know the advantages of nursing. Breast milk is full of nutrients for your baby. Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby’s immune system and is easier to digest than commercial formula. It may even help you lose weight once the baby arrives.

Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

Still, breastfeeding isn’t easy. Get started with these breastfeeding tips:

Find Right away

It’s one thing to read about it. Doing it is another. Ask for aid the first time you breastfeed your baby, preferably within an hour of birth. The maternity nurses or a hospital lactation specialist can help with positioning and latching on the infant. Your baby’s doctor may also provide you with breastfeeding advice.

Begin by settling in. Use cushions if necessary. If you want your kid near to your breast, cuddle him that way. Hold your infant close to your skin.

With one hand, hold the baby’s head and the other your breast. Tickle your baby’s bottom lip with your nipple to widen their mouth. He or she will take in some of the nipple’s darker region. Lie back in the baby’s mouth, tongue clasped beneath your breast. Look for rhythmic sucking and swallowing. Releasing suction from your baby’s tips will help you remove them from your breast.

Baby set the right pace

Most babies breastfeed every two to three hours for the first several weeks. Awakenings, restlessness, sucking, and lip movements may indicate hunger.

Let your infant nurse from the first breast for 15–20 minutes, or until your breast feels soft. Remember that there is no predetermined time.

Then burp the child. Then the second breast. Latch on if your infant is hungry. If not, simply start with the second breast. During the first several weeks, if your baby exclusively nurses from one breast, pump the other to reduce pressure and safeguard your milk supply.

Keep your child sleep in your room

The baby should sleep in the same room as the parents during the first year, or at least the first six months, to reduce the risk of SIDS (SIDS). This can help with feeding.
Your baby should sleep alone in a crib, bassinette, or other infant-specific surfaces. Adult beds aren’t baby safe. A newborn can suffocate between the headboard slats, the mattress, and the bed frame, or the mattress and the wall. Suffocation can occur if a sleeping parent turns over and covers the baby’s nose and mouth.

Choose a healthy lifestyle

Your lifestyle choices matter just as much when breastfeeding as when pregnant. As in:
Eat well: Eat plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains to stay energized. Your doctor may also suggest a daily multivitamin.
Keep hydrated: Stay hydrated with water, juice, or milk. If you feel that too much coffee is disrupting your baby’s sleep, reduce the quantity you consume. If you consume alcohol, don’t breastfeed for two hours.
Non-smoker: Smoking while breastfeeding exposes your infant to nicotine, which can disrupt sleep. If you smoke near your infant, you risk a cigarette burn. Secondhand smoking also raises the risk of SIDS and respiratory disorders.
Be cautious with drugs: Many drugs are safe for breastfeeding mothers. It’s wise to seek your doctor’s OK beforehand. Ask your doctor if you can breastfeed if you have a chronic illness.

Stay hydrated with water, juice, or milk. If you feel that too much coffee is disrupting your baby’s sleep, reduce the quantity you consume. If you consume alcohol, don’t breastfeed for two hours.

Count your wins

When your baby feeds on successfully, you’ll feel a soft pulling on your breast, not pinching orbiting.
Your breasts may feel hard or full before and soft or empty after feeding. You want your infant to gain weight gradually, have six wet diapers each day, and be content between feedings. Your baby’s stools will turn yellow and seedy.

Protect your nipples

It’s fine to let your nipple dry naturally after each feeding. The milk can relieve nipples. For speed, gently pat your nipple dry. Use bra pads when your breasts leak after feedings.
Minimize soap, shampoo, and other cleaners that come in touch with your nipples. In case of dryness or cracking of nipples, apply pure lanolin (Lansinoh, Tender Care Lanolin). This can help heal broken nipples and keep them moist.

Rest When You Can

It seems like there is always something to do when you are a mother. Your everyday duties might be stressful, and the situation is exacerbated if you’re already weary. It may be difficult to get enough sleep, but you should make an effort. If you sleep when your baby sleeps and take advantage of every opportunity to put your feet up and shut your eyes, you will undoubtedly feel better and be more prepared to take on your obligations.




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