Home Diet Banana – Health Advantages and Nutritional Value

Banana – Health Advantages and Nutritional Value

Banana – Health Advantages and Nutritional Value

Banana is undeniably a superfood. It is one of the few fruits that has so many variations, each with its own merits. Yellow, green, or red bananas are staples in every Indian home. Not surprisingly, India is one of the world’s largest banana growers. Bananas are berries. Plantains are another name for bananas. But there’s no real differentiation between them. So plantains are frequently cooked. This essay will focus on the nutritional worth of bananas. Don’t underestimate the humbleness of bananas, whether used in cooking or as a treat. Instead, keep reading to learn about their nutritious richness.

Banana’s potassium concentration renders it radioactive. But don’t worry, eating 600 bananas per day for 80 years isn’t harmful.

Banana Nutritional Values

A raw banana (about one medium-sized) contains:

89:            kcal
22.84 g:    carbohydrate
12.23 g:    dietary fiber
2.6 g:       sugar
0.33 g:     fat
1.09 g:     protein
0.4 mg:    vitamin B6
8.7 mg:    vitamin C
0.27 mg:  manganese
358 mg:   potassium
27 mg:     Magnesium



Bananas have many advantages. One of the benefits of potassium in bananas is that it helps keep them heart-healthy. It prevents fatal cardiac blockages and artery narrowing. A potassium-rich diet may reduce the risk of heart disease by 27%. Bananas also contain magnesium, a heart-healthy mineral that regulates heartbeats.



Aids in weight loss

Bananas are a great technique to avoid hunger. That’s a good argument for breakfast bananas. They are also healthful and satisfying. They are also high in fiber, which delays the stomach’s digestion. So it helps with weight loss.


Bananas aid indigestion.

Fibrous foods and digestion go hand in hand. A banana’s carbohydrates and pectin provide enough dietary fiber. Unripe bananas have more of both, which ripening reduces. Bananas are also anti-pathogenic, treating gastrointestinal issues. Bananas can thus assist digestion.


Bananas promote relaxation and sleep.

To relax, grab a banana. Bananas’ high vitamin B6 concentration promotes sleep. Bananas include tryptophan and magnesium, both of which are natural sedatives. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps create serotonin in the brain. Serotonin also stimulates melatonin (a sleep-wake hormone) which is used to treat insomnia.


They may help fight type II diabetes.

Insulin resistance is one of the main causes of type II diabetes. Regular consumption of resistant starch can raise insulin sensitivity by 40-50%. Green bananas have a lower GI than ripened bananas, making them better for diabetics. Unripe bananas rich in resistant starch may thus help prevent diabetes.


Excellent post-workout food

You’re probably aware that the fitness community loves bananas. Not without cause. One banana before exercise will provide you with enough energy. Bananas may also help reduce post-workout pain and cramping. Bananas are also good post-workout foods due to their high carbohydrate content and natural digestion. It contains potassium, which helps build muscle.


Promotes kidney health

Some research shows that frequent banana consumption reduces the risk of renal disease. The risk decrease can be as high as 50%. Bananas are high in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Bananas can help avoid chronic kidney disease.


Antioxidants in banana

Bananas are high in antioxidants, particularly natural flavonoids. Also, they defend your body from free radical damage. Bananas lessen the risk of heart disease and certain malignancies.


Risks of Consuming Almonds

Even while almonds are beneficial to your health, eating too many of them might have negative consequences if you overindulge. Some people may develop allergies to almonds if they consume them in large quantities. A number of dangers are related to the eating of almonds, which are listed below:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Suffocation due to difficulty swallowing
  • Diarrhea
  • a feeling of being out of breath
  • Itching that is unbearable



Tropical almonds are nutritious fruits that possess a high concentration of phytochemical substances and high nutritional value.

Additionally, it is an edible fruit that can be eaten raw after that, and it may be cracked to extract the seeds from the nut, which contain protein, vitamin E, and a variety of other nutritional benefits on its own.

Almonds are botanically known as Terminalia Catappa, which means “almond tree.” There is no doubt that almonds are beneficial to our health, but it is important to consume them in moderation.

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