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12 things you need to know before pregnancy

12 things you need to know before pregnancy
pre-pregnency take care

Preconception care is necessary during your reproductive years, whether you expect to get pregnant or not. One factor is that half of all pregnancies are unplanned. Unplanned pregnancies are also more prone to premature delivery and low birth weight. Preconception care is taking good care of your body and mind before you become pregnant. This healthy lifestyle may benefit everyone. So, whether you’re attempting to conceive or think you might want to in the near future, here are some things to consider.

Pre Pregnancy Lifestyle Changes | Gynaecologist Advice

1. Stop Birth Control pill

If you wish to get pregnant, you must stop taking any kind of birth control. Some forms of contraception, such as birth control tablets, might cause pregnancy. Many women have their first period two weeks after stopping the pill. So does your first cycle of attempting to conceive. Some women become pregnant immediately, while others take months.

2. Multivitamin Start

Dietary needs are strained during pregnancy. Take a multivitamin to fill in any shortfalls. The best part is that prenatal vitamins are specially made for pregnant women. Prenatal vitamins can help you prevent nutritional deficits in early pregnancy. With enough time, you can find out which brands work best for you.

3. Add Folic Acid to your diet

A folic acid or folate supplement may be required in addition to your prenatal vitamin to prevent neural tube abnormalities. Take 400-800 mcg of folic acid every day. This is already in several over-the-counter prenatal vitamins. Check the label. If you’re pregnant, your doctor may recommend higher-dose prenatal.

4. Get your weight under control.

A woman’s ability to conceive might be hampered if she is obese. It also raises your odds of having high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, a stillbirth, and the necessity for cesarean delivery if you’re pregnant. Safe pregnancy and delivery are more likely when you’ve lost weight before getting pregnant.

5. Certain fish should be avoided

Mercury is found in a variety of species, however, it is most commonly found in swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, and sharks. A growing fetus can be harmed by exposure to this metal. Methylmercury can accumulate in your system if you consume these fish on a frequent basis. Avoid eating these four fish if you’re thinking about getting pregnant since the mercury levels may take a while to come down to a safe level.

6. Exercise

Moving your body four to five times a week is another fantastic pregnancy preparation tip. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week.
From the couch? Pick something easy like strolling outside your front door. Begin with 10–15 minute increments and work your way up.
Try intense exercises like running, cycling, or trekking uphill. More exercise has extra health advantages. If you’re already active, aim for 150-300 minutes of movement each week.

7. Doctor appoint

Annual physicals can help detect health issues early on. They’re vital when preparing for pregnancy. An exam and blood work may be ordered by your doctor. You can also bring up any additional health concerns at this consultation.

8. Sexually active

Don’t make sex a chore from the start. Enjoy it frequently. Be bold and enthusiastic. You are likely to get pregnant through intercourse. Developing good lovemaking practices today will deepen your bond. Don’t worry about timing sex if you don’t have any reproductive concerns. Instead, have regular unprotected intercourse.

9. Stress Reduction

The establishment of effective stress reduction sources now will benefit you during your pregnancy as well as during the hectic first year of your child’s existence. Do you have a stressful situation? Take a calming stroll, do some deep breathing techniques, or engage in any other activity that offers you delight to relieve stress.

10. Get Good Sleep

Many parents are concerned about their ability to sleep in the days after the arrival of their bundles of joy. Sleep, on the other hand, maybe just as difficult to come by during pregnancy. Take advantage of the opportunity to catch up on your Zzzs.

11. Limit Caffeine

Do you consume a lot of coffee or other caffeinated beverages on a daily basis? Only approximately 12 ounces of coffee per day are recommended for pregnant women, according to the American Pregnancy Association. If you’re currently eating more than this amount, try weaning yourself off gradually.

12. Boost Your Immune System

If you are pregnant, you are more susceptible to infections such as colds, the flu, and other respiratory disorders. Give your immune system a boost by eating a nutritious diet that is high in antioxidants, receiving enough vitamin C, and getting plenty of rest.


Consider genetic counseling if certain problems run in your family or your partner’s family. You’ll also want to know whether anyone in your family has a genetic problem, chromosomal abnormality, or cancer. Other reasons to contact a genetic counselor include difficulty getting pregnant, many miscarriages, baby deaths, or birth defects. In case you or your companion are above 35.

A genetic counselor can help you understand your genetic risks. You’ll talk about your medical, family, and pregnancy history. They will explain to you what genetic problems your future children may be at risk for and prescribe testing to diagnose them. Once you have all the facts, you and your partner may decide if genetic testing is best for you.





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