Home Exercise Prevent child obesity with healthy lifestyle.

Prevent child obesity with healthy lifestyle.

Prevent child obesity with healthy lifestyle.
Healthy Life

Children require a specific number of calories in order to grow and develop. For children who consume more calories than they burn, the body will store the excess calories as fat in order to maintain its weight. Weight gain in children who are otherwise healthy occurs most frequently as a result of the youngster consuming more calories than he or she expends.


That my child eats well and exercises are vital.

Diet and exercise can help your child reach and maintain a healthy weight. Teach your child a healthy diet and activity habits early on. Those positive behaviors will help your child as an adult. Obesity-related health issues include:

  • cardiopathy
  • diabetes
  • hypertension
  • high cholesterol
  • asthma
  • sleeping disorder
  • certain cancers
  • Obesity causes liver issues and arthritis.

Obese children may be taunted or bullied for their weight. He or she may dislike their appearance or feel lonely. These emotions might hinder a child’s capacity to study, make friends, and socialize.

It’s vital that parents model good conduct for their kids. Encourage your youngster to lose weight. Use words like healthy and powerful. Refrain from using words like “weight loss,” “dieting,” and “size.” Above everything, be pleasant and upbeat.


More physically active

You have a lot of power as a parent or primary caregiver. Unbeknownst to you, your actions influence his or her decisions. Your youngster will be more inclined to be active if they witness you being active often.

Make physical activity a family habit. You may go on daily walks with the dog or play hoops before supper. Find family-friendly physical activities.

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) advises all youngsters to exercise for 30-60 minutes every day. The AAFP urges parents and schools to prioritize physical activity. Long periods of idleness should be avoided at home and school.


Encourage your youngster to eat well.

  • Set an example. Make healthful dietary choices.
  • Keep healthful snacks (apples, bananas, carrots, celery) on hand.
  • Prepare meals with low-fat meats, veggies, and nutritious grains.
  • Persist in introducing healthier dietary alternatives. Children aren’t always eager to try new things. Continue to provide nutritious options and your child is more likely to establish healthy eating habits.
  • Teach your youngster to pack nutritious lunches.
  • Avoid quick food. If you dine out, pick the healthiest selections available.
  • No more clean plates. Allow your youngster to quit eating when full.


TV and screen time

Too much TV viewing is connected to childhood obesity. Children watching TV are not active. A lot of people think that eating is a good thing, but it isn’t. Some ideas:

Limit sedentary activities including watching TV, movies, personal screen games, and computers. These activities should not exceed two hours per day for children over five and one hours per day for youngsters aged two to five.
Eat away from the TV. This may interfere with family time.


Making healthy food choices

A healthy diet includes both the type and quantity of food your child consumes. All kids need regular meals and healthy snacks. Good nutrition starts young. Try to:

  • Breastfeed.
  • Solids approximately six months.
  • Encourage a range of healthy foods. No food should be pushed or limited.
  • After two years, use low-fat dairy products.
  • Offer largely cereals, grains, and bread, with moderate quantities of meat and dairy.
  • Use minimal amounts of additional fats (oil, margarine, butter).
  • Replace processed snacks with fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Include occasional pleasures like cakes, chips, or takeout (once or twice per week). Enjoy them together.
    Give thirsty kids water. Drunkenness and tooth decay can be caused by sugary drinks such as juice, cordial, and soft


Getting Things Started

Begin with little steps. It is preferable to handle one or two minor alterations before going on to the following one or two modifications. Find out what works best for your family because every family is different. Small setbacks may occur; however, try to be patient and recognize and praise your child’s efforts and development with rewards such as books, stickers, or special activities to encourage them to continue.


Where can I go for assistance?

  • You’re medical professional
  • a nurse at a school
  • A nurse specializing in maternal and child health
  • Physicist and physical education instructor
  • a person who works in child care
  • Community center in the neighborhood


Points to keep in mind

  • Incorporate healthy nutrition and physical activity into the daily routine of the entire family.
  • Encourage children to participate in active play and sports.
  • Limit sedentary activities such as watching television, playing video games, and using a computer to no more than one hour each day.